Nuix Discover Reference

Reference for version of the Nuix Discover Graph API. For the most accurate version of this document, see the reference documentation located within the Nuix Discover Connect API Explorer.
Nuix Discover Connect API Documentation


Query Structure Authentication Example Queries Data Types Notation

Entry Points

Query Mutation


Action Annotation AnnotationColorEnum AnnotationDeleteErroredItem AnnotationDeleteInput AnnotationDeleteResults AnnotationInsertErroredItem AnnotationInsertInputType AnnotationInsertResults AnnotationInsertSuccessItem AnnotationParams AnnotationType Assignment AssignmentStatusEnum AuditDownloadLogInput AuditDownloadLogStatus AuditDownloadLogSubmit AuthProviderConfig AwsS3TemporaryConnectionInformation Binder BindersParams BindersType Boolean Bottleneck Case CaseBillingStatusEnum CaseCloneInput CaseCloneResultType CaseDecommissionStatusEnumType CaseFieldData CaseFieldItem CaseProc CaseProcCall CaseProcessingStatusEnumType CaseProcessingTypeEnumType CaseProcParams CaseSort CaseSortField CaseUserCategoryEnumType CodeFieldAction CodeFieldInputType CodeFieldResult CodeFieldResults connection ContentFileParams ConversationInputParams ConversationParticipantParams CoreAction CorrespondenceType customStatisitics CustomStatisticInput DataModelType Date DateComparison DateComparisonEnum DateFormat DateTime DateTimeOffset Decimal Document DocumentField DocumentFieldParams DocumentIdFormatEnum DocumentImportAnnotationEnum DocumentImportOptions DocumentInputParams DocumentPage DocumentProduction DynamicEntity EntityIdentifierInput EntityItemAddInputType EntityItemType Extension ExtensionAuditAction ExtensionAuditActionTypeEnum ExtensionCase ExtensionHistory ExtensionLocation ExtensionOrganization ExtractedText FieldCodeDeleteSpecificInputType FieldCodeUpdateSpecificInputType FieldIdentifierInput FieldParams FieldType FieldValue FieldValues File FileChangesBlockedBy FileTranferLocationEnum Float Group GroupSort GroupSortField GroupUserUnassignInputType GroupUserUnassignResult health ID ImportError importErrors ImportIngestionType ImportJobAddConversations ImportJobAddConversationsInput ImportJobAddDocuments ImportJobAddDocumentsInput ImportJobAddMessageEvents ImportJobAddMessageEventsInput ImportJobAnnotationColorEnum ImportJobCreate ImportJobS3Refresh ImportJobSubmit ImportJobSubmitJobInput Int IssuesParams Job JobStatus Lot MessageEventInputParams MetaDataParams Milliseconds NoteParams NumericComparison NumericComparisonEnum Organization OrganizationAddInputType OrganizationAddResult OrganizationUpdateInputType OrganizationUpdateResult OrganizationUserAssignInputType OrganizationUserAssignResult PageParams PagesParams ParticipantParams Phase PortalCategoryEnumType PortalUserParams Production ProductionPrintStatus ProductionStatus QuickCode RdxJobStatus RdxJobTypes RecurrenceSchedule ReviewSetup ReviewWorkflow RPF SAAction ScalableFieldType ScheduledJob SearchIncludeSetting SearchOperator SearchResult SearchRunInput Seconds Setting settings SingleQueryInput SortDirection Stage StageStatus statistics String Task TaskStatus TimeSpan TypeEnum UpdateCaseStatisticResult User UserAddResult UserCaseAssignInputType UserCaseAssignResult userCaseUnassignInput UserCaseUnassignResult userDeleteInput UserDeleteResultType UserGroupAssignInputType UserGroupAssignResult UserReport UserUpdateInput UserUpdateResultType WhoIsActive Worker Workflow


Nuix Discover's Connect Application Program Interface (API) allows you to search for and retrieve data from the application (by use of a Query) and write data into the application (by use of a Mutation) using the GraphQL language. GraphQL is an open source query language for API processing and manipulation.

You can perform the following operations with the Connect API:

  • Query: Requests data from Nuix Discover.
  • Mutation: Modifies data in Nuix Discover.
For example, with the Connect API you can access data to build client invoices. You can request data about hosted volume by case, production counts, and other relevant data, and then use that data to create custom invoices for your clients. For example, you can:
  • Request data about a portal, such as cases, users, and hosted data volume.
  • Programmatically update the data in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
  • Query the API using HTTP GET and POST requests.
A GraphQL operation returns data as a JSON object. The structure of a response mirrors the structure of an operation. For information about JSON notation, see For more information about the Connect API including example queries, see the Nuix Discover Connect API online help.

Query Structure

Queries GraphQL are composed of the following components:

Access this link for more information about querying the Connect API.


To make a Connect API query via HTTP GET, pass the three components as query string parameters as in the following:<Query>&v=<Variables>&n=<Operation Name>

For example, the query query op($caseId:Int!){cases(id:$caseId){name}} with variables {"caseId":7} and operation name op should be URL-encoded and passed as query string parameters:

  • ?q=query%20op%28%24caseId%3AInt%21%29%7Bcases%28id%3A%24caseId%29%7Bname%7D%7D
  • &v=%7B%22caseId%22%3A7%7D
  • &n=op

Click the Copy query to the clipboard button on the Connect API Explorer page to automatically construct HTTP GET queries.


To make a Connect API query via HTTP POST, compose the three query components into a JSON object as in the following:

  "query": "<Query>",
  "variables": <Variables>,
  "operationName": "<Operation Name>"

Make sure to include the Content-Type: application/json header in the HTTP POST request.

For example, the query query op($caseId:Int!){cases(id:$caseId){name}} with variables {"caseId":7} and operation name op should be constructed into the following JSON object and sent as the POST body:

  "query": "query op($caseId:Int!){cases(id:$caseId){name}}",
  "variables": {"caseId":7},
  "operationName": "op"


Authenticate Connect API queries by passing the Authorization: Bearer <Authentication Token> HTTP header with your requests. Use these links for more information about obtaining user authentication tokens and more information about UI Extension authentication.

Note: User authentication tokens created prior to Nuix Discover 10.1.010 require the ApiKey: <API Key> header. This header is not required for tokens created in 10.1.010 or later.

Example Queries

Query cases
query {
  cases {
    organization {
  "data": {
    "cases": [{
      "id": 1,
      "name": "Clean_Enron",
      "organization": {
        "id": 6,
        "name": "Organization 1"
    }, {
      "id": 3,
      "name": "Longford",
      "organization": {
        "id": 10,
        "name": "Organization 2"
Query users in a case
query {
  cases (id: 1) {
    users {
  "data": {
    "cases": [{
      "users": [{
        "id": 231,
        "fullName": "Smith, John"
Query user login status with variable
query ($userId:Int!) {
  users (id: [$userId]) {
{ "userId": 12 }
  "data": {
    "users": [{
      "fullName": "Smith, John",
      "hasSessions": true
Add a data model entity item
mutation (
  $caseId: Int!
  $entityTypeId: Int!
) {
  entityItemAdd(caseId: $caseId input: {
    entityTypeId: $entityTypeId
  }) {
{ "caseId": 1, "entityTypeId": 10001 }
  "data": {
    "entityItemAdd": [{
      "itemId": "LSF0001"

Data Types

Dates must be in ISO 8601 format in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) for all query parameters and responses.

  • Date: 2019-11-20
  • Date/Time: 2019-11-20T14:30:15Z


In the below API documentation, the following characters have special meaning:

  • ! In inputs the property must be provided. In responses the parameter will not be null.
  • [ ] The input or response will be an array of items of the type in brackets.

Entry Points


Retrieve information about various objects.

  • auditDownloadLogStatus: AuditDownloadLogStatus (
    • rpfJobId: Int! Job ID. Identifies the job in the Realtime Processing Framework (RPF).
    Check the job status and obtain a URL for downloading user audit log files. Job ID is required.
  • authProviderConfig: AuthProviderConfig (
    • configKey: String Filter to limited auth provider configs by config key.
    The Auth Provider Config.
  • cases: [Case] (
    • active: Boolean Filter to active or inactive cases.
    • assignedToMe: Boolean Filter to cases that the user making the request is assigned to. The filter is required when you query data that is stored in the case database. The filter is optional when you query data that is stored in the portal database.
    • billingStatus: CaseBillingStatusEnum Filter to cases with the specified billing status.
    • decommissionStatus: CaseDecommissionStatusEnumType Filter to cases with the specified decommission status.
    • id: Int Filter to the case with the specified ID.
    • ids: [Int] Filter to the cases with any of the specified IDs.
    • name: String Filter to cases with the specified name.
    • organizationId: [Int] Filter to organizations with the specified ID.
    • organizationName: String Filter to organizations with the specified name.
    • providerOrganizationId: [Int] Filter to cases that belong to organizations with the specified provider organization ID.
    • scroll: PageParams Parameters for paging results.
    • sort: [CaseSort] Sort by the specified fields.
    List of cases.
  • extensions: [Extension] (
    • id: Int Filter to the UI extension with the specified ID.
    List of UI extensions.
  • importErrors: importErrors (
    • caseId: Int Case ID. Identifies the case in the portal.
    • rdxJobId: Int The ID of the RDX job running the import.
    • scroll: PageParams Parameters for paging results.
    Import Errors description
  • me: User
    Information about the user who is making the request.
  • organizations: [Organization] (
    • id: [Int] Filter to organizations with the specified ID.
    • isClient: Boolean Filter to organizations that are clients of another organization.
    • isProvider: Boolean Filter to organizations that are enabled as provider organizations.
    • name: String Filter to organizations with the specified name.
    List of organizations.
  • rpf: RPF
    Information about the Realtime Processing Framework (RPF).
  • settings: [Setting] (
    • name: String Filter to settings with the specified name.
    List of portal settings.
  • users: [User] (
    • deleted: Boolean Filter to deleted users.
    • disabled: Boolean Filter to disabled users.
    • firstName: String Filter to users with the specified first name.
    • id: [Int] Filter to users with the specified IDs.
    • lastName: String Filter to users with the specified last name.
    • licenses: NumericComparison Filter to users with the specified number of licenses.
    • organizationName: String Filter to organizations with the specified name.
    • scroll: PageParams Parameters for paging results.
    List of users.
  • whoisactive: [WhoIsActive] (
    • id: [Int!] List server id to query.
    Information on current database activity

Mutation OBJECT

Add, remove, and modify data.


Action ENUM

The action to take on the incoming field data.

  • Append: Appends the value(s) to the field (only meant for 1-M field types)
  • Delete: Removes coding from the document for the field.
  • InsertUpdate: Inserts or updates the value(s) of the field.

Annotation OBJECT

An annotation is a highlight or redaction that is made to a document.

  • annotationType: AnnotationType
    Information about the type of annotation.
  • color: AnnotationColorEnum
    The annotation color.
  • dateStamp: DateTime
    The date the annotation was made.
  • id: Int!
    Annotation ID. Identifies an annotation that is made to a document in the case.
  • isFullPage: Boolean!
    True if the annotation was added using the Redact/Highlight full document feature, otherwise false.
  • pageNumber: Int
    The page number of the page file that contains the annotation. For single-page files, this value is 1. For multi-page files, this value may be greater than 1.
  • userId: Int
    User ID. Identifies the user in the portal.
  • x1: Int
    The horizontal distance from the left edge of the page to the left edge of the annotation, in pixels.
  • x2: Int
    The horizontal distance from the left edge of the page to the right edge of the annotation, in pixels.
  • y1: Int
    The vertical distance from the top of the page to the top of the annotation, in pixels.
  • y2: Int
    The vertical distance from the top of the page to the bottom of the annotation, in pixels.

AnnotationColorEnum ENUM

The annotation color.

  • BEIGE:
  • BLUE:
  • BROWN:
  • CYAN:
  • GREEN:
  • GREY:
  • PINK:
  • RED:
  • AZURE:
  • WHITE:
  • BLACK:
  • HIGHLIGHT: The color of the highlight.
  • REDACTION: The color of the redaction.
  • BLACK: The annotation color is set to Black.
  • WHITE: The annotation color is set to White.
  • BEIGE: The annotation color is set to Beige.
  • BLUE: The annotation color is set to Blue.
  • BROWN: The annotation color is set to Brown.
  • CYAN: The annotation color is set to Cyan.
  • GREEN: The annotation color is set to Green.
  • GREY: The annotation color is set to Grey.
  • ORANGE: The annotation color is set to Orange.
  • PINK: The annotation color is set to Pink.
  • PURPLE: The annotation color is set to Purple.
  • RED: The annotation color is set to Red.
  • SILVER: The annotation color is set to Silver.
  • YELLOW: The annotation color is set to Yellow.
  • LIGHT_PINK: The annotation color is set to Light Pink.
  • MEDIUM_ORANGE: The annotation color is set to Medium Orange.
  • MEDIUM_YELLOW: The annotation color is set to Medium Yellow.
  • LIGHT_YELLOW: The annotation color is set to Light Yellow.
  • APPLE_GREEN: The annotation color is set to Apple Green.
  • MEDIUM_APPLE_GREEN: The annotation color is set to Medium Apple Green.
  • LIGHT_APPLE_GREEN: The annotation color is set to Light Apple Green.
  • MEDIUM_GREEN: The annotation color is set to Medium Green.
  • LIGHT_GREEN: The annotation color is set to Light Green.
  • LIGHT_BLUE: The annotation color is set to Light Blue.
  • AZURE: The annotation color is set to Azure.
  • MEDIUM_AZURE: The annotation color is set to Medium Azure.
  • LIGHT_AZURE: The annotation color is set to Light Azure.
  • MEDIUM_PURPLE: The annotation color is set to Medium Purple.
  • LIGHT_PURPLE: The annotation color is set to Light Purple.
  • MEDIUM_BROWN: The annotation color is set to Medium Brown.
  • LIGHT_BROWN: The annotation color is set to Light Brown.
  • LIGHT_GREY: The annotation color is set to Light Grey.

AnnotationDeleteErroredItem OBJECT

The ID of the annotation that failed to delete and the failure reason.

  • annotationId: Int!
    Annotation ID. Identifies an annotation error.
  • error: String!
    Describes an annotation error.

AnnotationDeleteInput INPUT_OBJECT

The annotation deleted from the document.

  • annotationId: Int!
    Annotation ID. Identifies an annotation in the case.
  • mainId: Int!
    Document Main ID. Identifies the document in the case.
  • pageId: Int!
    Page ID. Identifies the page file in the case.

AnnotationDeleteResults OBJECT

List of deleted annotations from the document.

  • errorCount: Int
    Total count of annotations in the case.
  • erroredItems: [AnnotationDeleteErroredItem]
    The results of the types of annotations in the case.
  • successCount: Int
    Total count of annotations in the case.
  • totalCount: Int
    Total count of annotations in the case.

AnnotationInsertErroredItem OBJECT

A mapping of the external referenceId to the failure reason.

  • error: String!
    An error message indicating why the annotation failed to save.
  • referenceId: String!
    The external referenceId of the annotation that failed to save.

AnnotationInsertInputType INPUT_OBJECT

The type of annotation inserted in the document.

  • annotationSource: Int
    The source of the annotation in the document.
  • annotationTypeId: String!
    Annotation type ID. Identifies the annotation type in the case.
  • color: AnnotationColorEnum
    The color to apply to redaction annotations. Valid values are BLACK or WHITE. This value is ignored for highlight annotations.
  • mainId: Int!
    Document Main ID. Identifies the document in the case.
  • pageId: Int!
    Page ID. Identifies the page file in the case.
  • pageNumber: Int
    The page number to add the annotation to. For a page file with one page, this value is 1. For a page file with multiple pages, this value may be greater than 1.
  • referenceId: String
    An external reference ID that maps to the annotation.
  • x1: Int
    The horizontal distance from the left edge of the page to the left edge of the annotation, in pixels.
  • x2: Int
    The horizontal distance from the left edge of the page to the right edge of the annotation, in pixels.
  • y1: Int
    The vertical distance from the top of the page to the top of the annotation, in pixels.
  • y2: Int
    The vertical distance from the top of the page to the bottom of the annotation, in pixels.

AnnotationInsertResults OBJECT

The inserted annotations.

  • errorCount: Int
    The number of annotations that did not save successfully.
  • erroredItems: [AnnotationInsertErroredItem]
    An array of referenceId to error message mappings for the annotations that failed to save.
  • successCount: Int
    The number of annotations that were successfully saved.
  • successItems: [AnnotationInsertSuccessItem]
    An array of referenceId to annotationId mappings for the annotations that saved successfully.
  • totalCount: Int
    The total number of items submitted in the request.

AnnotationInsertSuccessItem OBJECT

A mapping of the external referenceId to the new annotationId.

  • annotationId: Int!
    The new annotationId of the successfully saved annotation.
  • referenceId: String!
    The external referenceId of the successfully saved annotation.

AnnotationParams INPUT_OBJECT

  • filePageNumber: Int!
    The page number within a file where the annotation is applied. For example, if the file is a PDF, and the filePageNumber is 2, the annotation will be applied on the second page of the PDF.
  • pageNumber: Int!
    The file on which to apply the annotation. This should match the pagenumber value in the "pages" field for the file.
  • type: DocumentImportAnnotationEnum!
    The type of annotation to apply.
  • name: String!
    The name of the redaction or highlight type.
  • label: String
    The label of the redaction. This is mandatory if the type is Redaction.
  • color: ImportJobAnnotationColorEnum!
    The color of the redaction or highlight.
  • x1: Int
    The x1 coordinate of the annotation.
  • x2: Int
    The x2 coordinate of the annotation.
  • y1: Int
    The y1 coordinate of the annotation.
  • y2: Int
    The y2 coordinate of the annotation.
  • userName: String
    The user name of the user that applied the annotation.
  • dateAdded: Date
    The date/time the annotation was applied.
  • fullPage: Boolean
    If this is yes, the annotation will be applied to the entire page.

AnnotationType OBJECT

Information about the type of annotation.

  • color: AnnotationColorEnum
    The annotation color.
  • id: String!
    Annotation type ID. Identifies the annotation type in the case.
  • label: String!
    For redactions, returns the redaction label. For highlights, returns null.
  • name: String!
    Name of the annotation type.
  • type: TypeEnum
    The type of annotation, such as highlight or redaction.

Assignment OBJECT

List of assignments in the case.

AssignmentStatusEnum ENUM


AuditDownloadLogInput INPUT_OBJECT

Parameters for submitting an Audit Log Download job.

  • userIds: [Int]
    (optional) a comma separated list of user IDs (i.e. the user_id of the users in the portal db list_users table).
  • caseIds: [Int]
    (optional) a comma separated list of case IDs (i.e. the main_id of the cases in the portal db main table).
  • includePortal: Boolean!
    (required) true/false - determines if audit records from the portal_audit elasticsearch index are to be included or not.
  • startDate: Date!
    (required) start date of audit data to include in the log files. All audit records that have this date (and any time stamp) UTC time will be included.
  • endDate: Date!
    (required) end date of audit data to include in the log files. All audit records that have this date (and any time stamp) UTC time will be included.
  • deleteOldLogFiles: Boolean
    Whether or not to delete old log files created for download. Default is true.
  • deleteDaysExpiredLogFiles: Int
    The number of days to keep log files. Logs older than the number entered will be deleted by the job. Default is 3 days.

AuditDownloadLogStatus OBJECT

  • duration: Seconds!
    Duration of the job in hours, minutes, and seconds (00:00:00).
  • filePaths: [String!]!
    Returns the file paths to be submitted to the GetAuditLogs API call when RPF job is complete.
  • rpfJobId: Int!
    RPF Job ID. Identifies the Audit Download Log job.
  • stages: [Stage]
    Stages of the job.
  • status: String!
    Status of the job.

AuditDownloadLogSubmit OBJECT

  • rpfJobId: Int!
    RPF Job ID. Identifies the Audit Download Log job.

AuthProviderConfig OBJECT

The configuration for a specific authenication provider.

  • configKey: String!
    The config key.
  • configuration: String
    The json configuration string.
  • configurationName: String!
    The name of the configuration.
  • providerType: Int!
    The id which represents the provider type.
  • twoFactorType: Int
    The id which represents the two factor type.

AwsS3TemporaryConnectionInformation OBJECT

Temporary AWS S3 connection information

  • accessKey: String!
    Access Key
  • bucketName: String!
    Bucket Name
  • expiration: DateTime
    Expiration Date and time for the AWS temporary credentials (Token/SecretAccessKe/AccessKey)
  • regionEndpoint: String!
    Region Endpoint
  • repositoryType: String!
    Repository Type
  • rootPrefix: String!
    Root Prefix
  • secretAccessKey: String!
    Secret Access Key
  • token: String!
    Session Token


A binder is a collection of documents in the case.

  • count: Int
    The document count within a binder.
  • createdDate: DateTime
    The date the binder was created.
  • creator: User
    The creator of the binder.
  • documents: [Document] (
    • mainId: Int Filter to the document with the specified main ID. No result is returned unless a main ID is specified.
    • mainIds: [Int] Filter to the documents with any of the specified main IDs. No result is returned unless at least one main ID is specified.
    • scroll: PageParams Parameters for paging results.
    List of documents in the case.
  • id: Int!
    Binder ID. Identifies the binder in the case.
  • lastUpdated: DateTime
    Date the binder was modified.
  • name: String
    Name of the binder.
  • owner: User
    The owner of the binder.
  • securityOverride: Boolean
    Indicates security override.
  • type: String!
    The type of binder.

BindersParams INPUT_OBJECT

  • values: [String]!
    This is an array of values specifying binders to populate for the document.

BindersType ENUM

List of binders in the case.

  • Private: A private binder can only be viewed by the binder owner.
  • Shared: A shared binder can be viewed by any user assigned to the case.

Boolean SCALAR

    Bottleneck OBJECT

    RPF workers with queued tasks that are waiting for a supervisor to become available in order to run.

    • id: Int!
      Worker ID.
    • tasksWaiting: Int!
      Number of tasks waiting for an RPF supervisor.
    • worker: Worker
      Realtime Processing Framework (RPF) worker.

    Case OBJECT

    A case is a repository of documents, metadata, coding, and other objects.

    • active: Boolean!
      Whether the case is active or inactive.
    • analysisServer: String
      Analysis server for the case.
    • annotationTypes: [AnnotationType] ()
      List of highlight and redaction annotations available in the case.
    • billingStatus: CaseBillingStatusEnum
      Billing status of the case.
    • binders: [Binder] (
      • id: [Int] ID. Identifies the binders in a case.
      • name: String The name of the binders in a case.
      • scroll: PageParams Parameters for paging results.
      • type: BindersType The type of binders in the case.
      List of binders in the case.
    • caseCreatedDate: DateTime
      The date the case was created, in UTC.
    • caseDecommissionedBy: String
      For a decommissioned case, the user who archived or deleted the case.
    • caseDecommissionedDate: DateTime
      For a decommissioned case, the date the case was archived or deleted, in UTC.
    • caseDecommissionStatus: String!
      For decommissioned cases, this will identify if the case has been archived or deleted.
      This API is deprecated in version 10.2.008. Use the replacement API decommissionStatus.
    • caseProcParams: [CaseProcParams] (
      • procedure: String The name of a specific proc to retrieve the parameters for.
      Returns the list of parameters for the given stored procedure.
    • caseProcs: [CaseProc] (
      • procedure: String The name of a specific stored proc to return.
      Returns the list of user executable stored procedures in the given case or a specific stored procedure if one is specified.
    • caseUserCategory: Int
      The category of the user.
    • databaseName: String
      Database name for the case.
    • databaseServer: String
      Database server for the case.
    • dataModels: [DataModelType]
      List of data models in the case.
    • dateLastAccessed: DateTime
      Last date a user accessed the case, in UTC.
    • decommissionStatus: CaseDecommissionStatusEnumType
      For decommissioned cases, this will identify if the case has been archived or deleted.
    • description: String!
      Description of the case.
    • documentLoads: [ImportIngestionType] (
      • endDate: DateComparison Filter to document loads up to the specified end date, in UTC.
      • id: [Int] ID. Identifies the loaded documents in the case.
      • startDate: DateComparison Filter to document loads on or after the specified start date, in UTC.
      • status: [RdxJobStatus] Filter to document loads with specified status.
      • type: [RdxJobTypes] Filter to document loads with specified type.
      Information about documents loaded to the case using imports or ingestions.
    • documents: [Document] (
      • mainId: Int Filter to the document with the specified main ID. No result is returned unless a main ID is specified.
      • mainIds: [Int] Filter to the documents with any of the specified main IDs. No result is returned unless at least one main ID is specified.
      List of documents in the case.
    • fields: [CaseFieldData] (
      • entityId: [Int] Filter to fields with any of the specified IDs.
      • id: [String] Filter to fields with the any of the specified IDs.
      • name: String Filter to fields with the specified name.
      Fields in the case.
    • groups: [Group] (
      • id: [Int] Filter to groups with the specified ID.
      • name: String Filter to groups with the specified Name.
      • scroll: PageParams Parameters for paging results.
      • sort: [GroupSort] Sort by the specified fields.
      • userCount: NumericComparison Filter to groups with specified User count.
      The groups in the case.
    • id: Int!
      Case ID. Identifies the case in the portal.
    • lastActive: DateTime
      For an inactive case, the date the case was last active, in UTC.
    • name: String!
      Name of the case.
    • organization: Organization
      Organization of the case.
    • processingStatus: CaseProcessingStatusEnumType
      Processing status for the case.
    • processingType: CaseProcessingTypeEnumType
      Processing type for the case.
    • productions: [Production] (
      • date: DateComparison Filter to Creation/Locked date of the production on or after the specified date, in UTC.
      • name: String Filter to productions with the specified name.
      • scroll: PageParams Parameters for paging results.
      • status: [ProductionStatus] Filter to productions with the specified status.
      List of productions.
    • reviewSetup: ReviewSetup
      Review setup in the case.
    • reviewWorkflow: [ReviewWorkflow]
      Review workflows in the case.
    • rpfJobId: Int
      RPF Job Id for the case.
    • searchResults: [SearchResult] (
      • id: Int Filter to the search result with the specified ID.
      Information about searches run in the case.
    • settings: [Setting] (
      • name: String Filter to settings with the specified name.
      Case options.
    • statistics: statistics (
      • endDate: DateTime Filter statistics to those captured as of the specified end date, in UTC. If not specified, the most recent statistics are returned.
      • startDate: DateTime Filter statistics to the difference between those captured as of the specified end date and those captured as of the specified start date, in UTC.
      Aggregate file size and usage metrics for the case.
    • userReport: UserReport
      Aggregate user metrics for the case.
    • users: [User] (
      • deleted: Boolean Filter to deleted users.
      • disabled: Boolean Filter to disabled users.
      • firstName: String Filter to users with the specified first name.
      • id: [Int] Filter to users with the specified IDs.
      • lastName: String Filter to users with the specified last name.
      • licenses: NumericComparison Filter to users with the specified number of licenses.
      • organizationName: String Filter to organizations with the specified name.
      • scroll: PageParams Parameters for paging results.
      Users assigned to the case.

    CaseBillingStatusEnum ENUM

    Filter to cases with the specified billing status.

    • Billable: Billable.
    • NonBillable: Non-billable.
    • All: Either billable or non-billable.

    CaseCloneInput INPUT_OBJECT

    Parameters for cloning a case.

    • caseName: String!
      Description of the cloned case.
    • description: String
      Description of the cloned case.
    • organizationId: Int
      Organization ID. Identifies the organization of the cloned case.
    • sourceCaseId: Int
      Source Case ID. Identifies the source case of the cloned case.
    • scheduleMetricsJob: Boolean
      The scheduled metrics of the cloned case.

    CaseCloneResultType OBJECT

    Results of a cloned case.

    • case: Case
      Search results of cloned cases.

    CaseDecommissionStatusEnumType ENUM

    Filter to cases with the specified decommission status.

    • Live: Cases that are live.
    • Deleted: Cases that have been deleted.
    • Archived: Cases that have been archived.
    • All: Cases that are live, archived, or deleted.

    CaseFieldData OBJECT

    Information about fields in the case.

    • count: Int!
      The number of documents coded to the field.
    • entityId: Int!
      The data model entity associated with the field.
    • id: String
      Composite field ID. Identifies the field in the case.
    • items: [CaseFieldItem]
      The values of a pick list field.
    • name: String
      The name of the field.
    • type: ScalableFieldType
      The field type.

    CaseFieldItem OBJECT

    Items are the values or options in a pick list field.

    • count: Int!
      The number of documents coded to the field value.
    • id: Int
      Field value ID. Identifies the field value in the case.
    • name: String
      The name of the field value.

    CaseProc OBJECT

    Returns the list of user executable stored procedures in the given case or a specific stored procedure if one is specified.

    • procExample: String!
      Example call for the stored procedure.
    • procHelp: String!
      Help text for the stored procedure.
    • procName: String!
      The name of the stored procedure.
    • procOwner: String!
      The db owner for the stored procedure.

    CaseProcCall OBJECT

    A generic endpoint so users can execute case stored procedures.

    • result: String!
      A json string with the output parameters and the result sets

    CaseProcessingStatusEnumType ENUM

    Status of case processing.

    • Failure: Indicates a case processing failure.
    • Pending: Indicates a case processing pending.
    • Queued: Indicates a case processing queued.
    • Succeeded: Indicates a case processing succeeded.
    • SucceededWithWarnings: Indicates a case processing succeeded with warnings.

    CaseProcessingTypeEnumType ENUM

    Type of case processing.

    • Clone: Indicates a cloned case.
    • Connect: Indicates a cloned case.
    • Create: Indactes the created case.
    • Decommission: Indicates a decommissioned case.
    • DeleteDecommissionedCase: Indicates the decommissioned case that was deleted.
    • Edit: Indicaes the case that was edited.
    • Recommission: Indicates the case that was recommissioned.

    CaseProcParams OBJECT

    Returns the list of parameters for the given stored procedure.

    • isOutput: Boolean!
      A boolean indicating whether or not the parameter is an output param.
    • paramName: String!
      The name of the parameter.
    • paramOrder: Int!
      The order the parameter appears in the parameter list.
    • paramPrecision: Int!
      The precision level for the parameter.
    • paramScale: Int
      The scale for the parameter.
    • paramType: String!
      The data type for the parameter.


    A sort parameter for cases.

    CaseSortField ENUM

    Case field for sorting.

    • active: Whether the case is active or inactive.
    • analysisServer: Analysis server for the case.
    • assignedToMe: Filter to cases that the user making the request is assigned to. The filter is required when you query data that is stored in the case database. The filter is optional when you query data that is stored in the portal database.
    • billingStatus: Billing status of the case.
    • caseCreatedDate: The date the case was created, in UTC.
    • caseDecommissionedDate: For a decommissioned case, the date the case was archived or deleted, in UTC.
    • databaseName: Database name for the case.
    • dateLastAccessed: Last date a user accessed the case, in UTC.
    • decommissionStatus: For decommissioned cases, this will identify if the case has been archived or deleted.
    • description: Description of the case.
    • id: Case ID. Identifies the case in the portal.
    • name: Name of the case.
    • organizationId: Filter to organizations with the specified ID.
    • organizationName: Filter to organizations with the specified name.
    • processingStatus: Processing status for the case.
    • providerOrganizationId: Filter to cases that belong to organizations with the specified provider organization ID.

    CaseUserCategoryEnumType ENUM

    Types of CaseUserCategory.

    • Administrator: Case user category type: Administrator.
    • GroupLeader: Case user category type: Group Leader.
    • GroupMember: Case user category type: Group Member.

    CodeFieldAction ENUM

    The available actions for the codeField mutation.

    • Save: Codes the provided value regardless of current state.
    • Insert: Codes the provided value only if no value currently exists.
    • Update: Codes the provided value only if a value currently exists.
    • Delete: Deletes the current coding, if any.
    • None: No coding action performed.

    CodeFieldInputType INPUT_OBJECT

    The input data for the codeField mutation.

    • action: CodeFieldAction
      Action to perform.
    • caseId: Int!
      Case ID. Identifies the case in the portal.
    • fieldId: String!
      Composite field ID. Identifies the field in the case.
    • mainIds: [Int!]!
      Document Main IDs. Identifies the documents in the case.
    • value: String
      New value for the field. For a pick list field, the ID of the pick list item.
    • entity: EntityIdentifierInput
      Parameter for identifying an entity to include.

    CodeFieldResult OBJECT

    The change performed to a single coding value.

    • mainId: Int!
      Document Main ID. Identifies the document in the case.
    • result: CodeFieldAction
      Resulting change to the document's coding.
    • value: String
      Coded value.

    CodeFieldResults OBJECT

    The results summary of coding performed by a codeField mutation.

    • caseId: Int!
      Case ID. Identifies the case in the portal.
    • changes: [CodeFieldResult]
      Details of all coding changes.
    • codedValue: String
      Coding value applied.
    • deletedCount: Int!
      Number of coding values removed.
    • fieldId: String!
      Composite field ID. Identifies the field in the case.
    • insertedCount: Int!
      Number of new coding values added.
    • notChangedCount: Int!
      Number of coding values not impacted by coding.
    • totalCodedCount: Int!
      Total number of coding changes performed.
    • updatedCount: Int!
      Number of existing coding values modified.

    connection OBJECT

    A connection is a relationship between two entities, allowing items from each entity to be connected to one another.

    • id: Int!
      Entity connection ID. Identifies the entity connection in the case.
    • name: String
      Name of the connection.
    • source: DynamicEntity
      Source entity of the connection.
    • sourceEntityId: Int!
      Entity ID of the connection's source entity.
    • sourceEntityName: String!
      Name of the connection's source entity.
    • target: DynamicEntity
      Target entity of the connection.
    • targetEntityId: Int!
      Entity ID of the connection's target entity.
    • targetEntityName: String!
      Name of the connection's target entity.
    • type: String
      Type of the connection.

    ContentFileParams INPUT_OBJECT

    • path: String!
      The location of the physical file to upload.

    ConversationInputParams INPUT_OBJECT

    The fields and values for a message.

    • conversationId: String!
      The unique identifier that groups the messages together into a conversation.
    • parentId: String
      Parent ID of the converstaion from the source.
    • documentId: String
      The unique id from the source.
    • channelName: String
      Channel name for the conversation.
    • platform: String
      Platform for the conversation.
    • participants: [ConversationParticipantParams]
      The participants of the conversation.
    • fields: [MetaDataParams]
      Meta data related to the conversation.

    ConversationParticipantParams INPUT_OBJECT

    • id: String!
      The unique identifier for the participant.
    • chatHistoryStart: DateTime
      This is the date and time of the participant's earliest access to messages in this chat.

    CoreAction ENUM

    The action to take on the incoming field data.

    • Update: Inserts or updates the value(s) of the field.
    • Delete: Removes coding from the document for the field.
    • Ignore: Ignores the value.

    CorrespondenceType INPUT_OBJECT

    • type: String!
      The coorespondance type. To, From, CC, BCC
    • people: [String]
      List of people relating to the document.
    • orgs: [String]
      List of organizations relating to the document.
    • action: Action!
      The action to take on the incoming field data.

    customStatisitics OBJECT

    Set or increment a value for a custom case statistic, which may be retrieved by querying customStatistics for the case.

    • extension: Extension
      UI extension that created the statistic.
    • id: Int!
      Case Statistic ID. Identifies the Case Statistic in the portal and case.
    • name: String!
      Name of the statistic.
    • value: Int!
      Value of the statistic.

    CustomStatisticInput INPUT_OBJECT

    Specify parameters for the statistic value to update.

    • caseId: Int!
      Case ID. Identifies the case in the portal.
    • date: DateTime
      Date of the statistic change.
    • id: Int!
      Case Statistic ID. Identifies the Case Statistic in the portal and case.
    • value: Int!
      Value to add to the statistic.

    DataModelType OBJECT

    A data model is a collection of entities and their connections.

    • connections: [connection]
      Entity connections in the data model.
    • entities: [DynamicEntity] (
      • id: Int Filter to the document with the specified entities ID. No result is returned unless a entities ID is specified.
      Entities in the data model.
    • id: String!
      Data Model ID. Identifies the data model in the case.
    • name: String!
      Name of the data model.

    Date SCALAR

    The `Date` scalar type represents a year, month and day in accordance with the [ISO-8601]( standard.

      DateComparison INPUT_OBJECT

      Parameters for filtering results by date.

      DateComparisonEnum ENUM

      Comparison operation for date values.

      • LessThan: Any date up to the specified date and time. If no time is specified, the time is midnight.
      • GreaterThan: Any date after the specified date and time. If no time is specified, the time is midnight.

      DateFormat ENUM

      Format for the date strings.

      • MONTH_DAY:
      • DAY_MONTH:

      DateTime SCALAR

      The `DateTime` scalar type represents a date and time. `DateTime` expects timestamps to be formatted in accordance with the [ISO-8601]( standard.

        DateTimeOffset SCALAR

        The `DateTimeOffset` scalar type represents a date, time and offset from UTC. `DateTimeOffset` expects timestamps to be formatted in accordance with the [ISO-8601]( standard.

          Decimal SCALAR

            Document OBJECT

            A document is a record in the case associated with native files, content files, or image files, metadata, and coding.

            • description: String
              Description of the document.
            • documentDate: DateTime
              Document Date of the document.
            • documentId: String
              Document ID of the document.
            • documentType: String
              Type of document.
            • extractedText: [ExtractedText] (
              • tag: String Filter results based on .
              Text extracted from the document.
            • fields: [FieldValues] ()
              A field values collection of the document.
            • fileChangesBlockedBy: [FileChangesBlockedBy!]!
              List of states that prevent changes to this document's files. Returns an empty value if file changes are allowed.
            • files: [File] (
              • fileExtension: String Filter to files with the specified extension.
              • id: [String] Filter to the file with the specified IDs.
              • isContent: Boolean Filter to content files.
              • isPage: Boolean Filter to page files.
              Files associated with the document.
            • id: Int!
              Document Main ID. Identifies the document in the case.
            • isRendition: Boolean
              True if the document is a production rendition.
            • level: String
              Level of the document.
            • pages: [DocumentPage]
              Page files associated with the document.
            • productionDetails: [DocumentProduction] ()
              Production details for a given document.
            • text: String (
              • formatted: Boolean If true, returns HTML.
              Text of the document.
            • title: String
              Title of the document.

            DocumentField ENUM

            The fields that directly describe the import document.

            • DocumentDate: The date of the import document. Format is (YYYY-M-D)
            • DocumentDescription: The description of the import document.
            • DocumentTitle: The title of the import document.
            • DocumentType: The type of the import document.
            • EstimatedDate: Whether or not the document date of the import document is estimated or not. A true or false value.

            DocumentFieldParams INPUT_OBJECT

            • name: DocumentField!
              The enumerated name of the document field. (DocumentDate, DocumentDescription, DocumentTitle, DocumentType, EstimatedDate)
            • value: String
              The value of the document field.
            • action: CoreAction!
              The action to take on the incoming field data.

            DocumentIdFormatEnum ENUM

            Format of Document Id in the import

            • Existing:
            • Sequential: Sequential
            • LevelBased: Level Based

            DocumentImportAnnotationEnum ENUM

            The annotation noted in the document.

            • REDACTION: Indicates the annotiation is a redaction.
            • HIGHLIGHT: Indicates the annotation is a highlight.

            DocumentImportOptions INPUT_OBJECT

            Optional parameters for importDocuments mutation.

            • name: String
              Name of the import.
            • description: String
              Description for the import
            • level: String
              Root level to put documents in. Default is "API/{ImportID}/0001".
            • docsPerLevel: Int
              Maximum documents per level. Default is 1000.
            • dateFormat: DateFormat
              Any date format will attempt to be parsed. When the order of Month and Day is in question (as in 5/6/2015) this will decided which is first, Month or Day. Default is DayMonth.
            • updateGroupCoding: Boolean
              Select this option to update the group coding fields (All Custodians, for example) for new documents in this import and any existing or future family duplicate documents. Default is false.
            • runDeduplication: Boolean
              Run deduplication on imported documents during an import job.
            • runIndexing: Boolean
              Select this option to run a separate Indexing and Enrichment job once the import is complete.
            • documentIdType: DocumentIdFormatEnum
              Use a value of "Sequential" for this option to have the application reassign Document ID values for documents in this import. Document IDs will be assigned using the provided prefix, starting with the next available Document ID for that prefix, incrementing by 1 for each document.
            • documentIdPrefix: String
              Static text that will appear at the beginning of each Document ID. This option only applies when also using the documentIdFormat option of Sequential. If the documentIdPrefix option is not provided, the application will use the Document ID prefix setting from the Ingestions settings for the case.
            • fileTransferLocation: FileTranferLocationEnum
              Default is Windows. When Windows is selected, files will be copied from the file repository designated for Images, under the import\ folder. When AmazonS3 is selected, this mutation will return information needed to access the S3 bucket.
            • overwriteExistingFiles: Boolean
              Set to true to overwrite existing files.
            • levelBasedPadding: Int
              When generating Document ID values, the last portion of the Document ID will be padded to the number of digits specified in levelBasedPadding. The default is 4.
            • levelSeparator: String
              The character provided for levelSeparator will be used between level value when generating Document ID values.

            DocumentInputParams INPUT_OBJECT

            The fields and values for a document.

            • documentId: String!
              Document ID of the document.
            • hash: String
              The individual hash value of the document.
            • familyhash: String
              The family hash value of the document.
            • level: String
              If set , it will override any level data set in the job options. Providing a value updates level data. Not providing a value does not update level data. Updating the level will not move files.
            • parentId: String
              The Parent document id for the document that establishes a source/attachment relationship. Providing a value updates source/attachment data. Not providing a value does not update source/attachment data. Providing empty string deletes the source/attachment data.
            • sourceattachmentaction: SAAction
              The action to take on the parentId. Append, Insert/Update or Delete.
            • pageaction: Action
              The action to take on the pages. Append, Insert/Update or Delete.
            • mainfields: [DocumentFieldParams]
              The values associated with the key.
            • fields: [FieldParams]
              The values associated with the key.
            • correspondence: [CorrespondenceType]
              The Correspondence for the document.
            • pages: [PagesParams]
              The pages associated with the document.
            • contentfiles: [ContentFileParams]
              The list of content files for the document.
            • isMessageEventAttachment: Boolean
              True if the document is the attachment of a chat message event.
            • binders: BindersParams
              This is an array of values specifying binders to populate for the document.
            • issues: IssuesParams
              This is an array of values specifying issues to populate for the document. Values are the full issue path with issue depth indicated by slashes (for example, "Issue 1/Subissue 1").
            • annotations: [AnnotationParams]
              The list of annotations for the document.
            • notes: [NoteParams]
              This is an array of values specifying notes to populate for the document.

            DocumentPage OBJECT

            A page is a file associated with a document that is displayed in the image viewer.

            • annotations: [Annotation]
              List of annotations in the page file.
            • fileName: String!
              File name of the page file.
            • id: Int!
              Page ID. Identifies the page file in the case.
            • pageCount: Int!
              Number of pages in the page file, for a page file that has multiple pages.
            • pageFileNumber: Int!
              Sequential number of the page file within the document, for documents with multiple page files.
            • pageLabel: String!
              Page label of the page.

            DocumentProduction OBJECT

            Production details for a given document.

            • maximumProducedPageLabel: String
              Maximum produced page label for the document in the production.
            • minimumProducedPageLabel: String
              Minimum produced page label for the document in the production.
            • printStatus: ProductionPrintStatus
              The print status for the rendition in the production.
            • producedDocumentLabel: String
              Produced document label for the document in the production.
            • production: Production
              Production associated with the document.

            DynamicEntity OBJECT

            An entity is a class of items in a case with associated fields, templates, and connections to other entities.

            • connections: [connection]
              Connections for the entity.
            • id: Int!
              Unique identifier for the entity.
            • items: [EntityItemType] (
              • id: Int Filter to fields with any of the specified IDs.
              An entity item is a record in the case that belongs to an entity in a data model.
            • name: String!
              Name of the entity.

            EntityIdentifierInput INPUT_OBJECT

            Parameter for identifying an entity to include.

            • id: Int
              The ID of the entity to include.
            • name: String
              The name of the entity to include.

            EntityItemAddInputType INPUT_OBJECT

            Specify parameters for the entity item to add.

            • entityTypeId: Int
              ID. Identifies the entity in the case.

            EntityItemType OBJECT

            An entity item is a record in the case that belongs to an entity in a data model.

            • fields: [FieldValues] ()
              The fields within the entity item in the case.
            • id: Int!
              ID. Identifies the entity in the case.
            • itemId: String!
              Item ID. Identifies the entity item in the case.
            • name: String!
              Name of the entity in the case.

            Extension OBJECT

            Information about user interface extensions, which add custom UI functionality.

            • audit: [ExtensionAuditAction] (
              • caseId: Int Filter to actions for the specified case.
              • endDate: DateTime Ending date to retrieve audit actions, in UTC.
              • organizationId: Int Filter to actions for the specified organization.
              • startDate: DateTime Starting date to retrieve audit actions, in UTC.
              Information about actions taken to enable or disable UI extensions for organizations, cases, and users.
            • cases: [ExtensionCase]
              Cases that can have the UI extension enabled.
            • configuration: String
              Configuration string for the UI extension.
            • createdByUser: User
              User who created the UI extension.
            • createdDate: DateTime
              Date the UI extension was created, in UTC.
            • description: String
              Description of the UI extension.
            • history: [ExtensionHistory] (
              • caseId: Int Filter to history entries for the specified case.
              • endDate: DateTime Filter to history entries up to the specified end date, in UTC.
              • organizationId: Int Filter to history entries for the specified organization.
              • startDate: DateTime Filter to history entries on or after the specified start date, in UTC.
              Summary information about actions taken to enable or disable UI extensions for organizations, cases, and users.
            • id: Int!
              UI extension ID. Identifies the UI extension in the portal and case.
            • location: ExtensionLocation
              Location in where the UI extension is displayed.
            • name: String!
              Name of the UI extension.
            • organizations: [ExtensionOrganization] (
              • id: Int Filter to organizations with the specified IDs.
              Organizations that can have the UI extension enabled.
            • url: String!
              URL to load the the UI extension.

            ExtensionAuditAction OBJECT

            Information about actions taken to enable or disable UI extensions for organizations, cases, and users.

            • affectedUser: User
              User who was enabled or disabled by the action.
            • case: Case
              Case associated with the action.
            • date: DateTime
              Date of the action.
            • extension: Extension
              UI extension associated with the action.
            • isEnabled: Boolean!
              Whether the UI extension was enabled by the action.
            • organization: Organization
              Organization associated with the action.
            • type: ExtensionAuditActionTypeEnum
              The type of the action performed.
            • user: User
              User who performed the action.

            ExtensionAuditActionTypeEnum ENUM

            The type of the audit action performed.

            • Organization: A change of organization security for an extension.
            • Case: A change of case security for an extension.
            • User: A change of user security for an extension.

            ExtensionCase OBJECT

            Information about cases that can have the extension enabled.

            • audit: [ExtensionAuditAction] (
              • endDate: DateTime Ending date to retrieve audit actions, in UTC.
              • startDate: DateTime Starting date to retrieve audit actions, in UTC.
              Information about actions taken to enable or disable UI extensions for organizations, cases, and users.
            • case: Case
              Case associated with this record.
            • configuration: String
              Optional UI extension configuration for the case.
            • extension: Extension
              UI extension associated with this record.
            • history: [ExtensionHistory] (
              • endDate: DateTime Filter to history entries up to the specified end date, in UTC.
              • startDate: DateTime Filter to history entries on or after the specified start date, in UTC.
              Summary information about actions taken to enable or disable UI extensions for organizations, cases, and users.
            • isEnabled: Boolean!
              Whether this UI extension is enabled for this case.
            • organization: Organization
              Organization of the case.

            ExtensionHistory OBJECT

            Summary of time that UI extensions are enabled for organizations, cases, and users.

            • affectedUser: User
              User who was enabled for the given date range.
            • case: Case
              Case associated with the history entry.
            • daysEnabled: Int!
              Number of days in the given date range that this UI extension was enabled.
            • extension: Extension
              UI extension associated with this history entry.
            • organization: Organization
              Organization associated with the history entry.

            ExtensionLocation ENUM

            Locations where a UI extension can appear.

            • Workspace: A workspace pane on the Documents page in a case.
            • Case: A tab on the Case Home page.

            ExtensionOrganization OBJECT

            Information about organizations that can have the extension enabled.

            • audit: [ExtensionAuditAction] (
              • caseId: Int Filter to actions for the specified case.
              • endDate: DateTime Ending date to retrieve audit actions, in UTC.
              • startDate: DateTime Starting date to retrieve audit actions, in UTC.
              Information about actions taken to enable or disable UI extensions for organizations, cases, and users.
            • configuration: String
              Optional UI extension configuration for this organization.
            • extension: Extension
              UI extension associated with this record.
            • history: [ExtensionHistory] (
              • caseId: Int Filter to actions for the specified case.
              • endDate: DateTime Filter to history entries up to the specified end date, in UTC.
              • startDate: DateTime Filter to history entries on or after the specified start date, in UTC.
              Summary information about actions taken to enable or disable UI extensions for organizations, cases, and users.
            • isEnabled: Boolean!
              Whether this UI extension is enabled for this organization.
            • organization: Organization
              Organization associated with this record.

            ExtractedText OBJECT

            Text extracted from a document.

            • tag: String!
              Identifies the extracted text in the document.
            • text: String!
              The extracted text in a document.

            FieldCodeDeleteSpecificInputType INPUT_OBJECT

            Identifies the deleted case.

            • caseId: Int!
              Case ID. Identifies the case in the portal.
            • fieldId: String!
              Composite field ID. Identifies the field in the case.
            • mainIds: [Int!]!
              Document Main IDs. Identifies the documents in the case.
            • existingValue: String
              Existing value for the field. For a pick list field, the ID of the pick list item.

            FieldCodeUpdateSpecificInputType INPUT_OBJECT

            Identifies the updated case.

            • caseId: Int!
              Case ID. Identifies the case in the portal.
            • fieldId: String!
              Composite field ID. Identifies the field in the case.
            • mainIds: [Int!]!
              Document Main IDs. Identifies the documents in the case.
            • newValue: String
              New value for the field. For a pick list field, the ID of the pick list item.
            • existingValue: String
              Existing value for the field. For a pick list field, the ID of the pick list item.

            FieldIdentifierInput INPUT_OBJECT

            Parameters for identifying a field to include the in the document fields output.

            • id: String
              The ID of the field to include.
            • name: String
              The Name of the field to include.

            FieldParams INPUT_OBJECT

            • name: String!
              Name of meta data field. If the field exists the existing field will be used. If not, it will be created with the field type associated.
            • onetomany: Boolean
              Defines whether the field is one to many or not.
            • type: FieldType
              The field type. The allowed values are: Boolean, DateTime, Memo, Number, PickList, Text
            • action: Action!
              The action to take on the incoming field data.
            • values: [String]!
              The value(s) for the field.

            FieldType ENUM

            Allowable values for field type.

            • Boolean: Yes/No
            • DateTime: Date
            • Memo: Memo
            • Number: Number
            • PickList: PickList
            • Text: Text

            FieldValue OBJECT

            A single coding value.

            • value: String!
              The display value. For pick list values this is the item name.

            FieldValues OBJECT

            The collection of coding values for a field.

            File OBJECT

            A file associated with a document.

            • contentFileRank: Int
              Rank of the content file displayed in the view pane.
            • document: Document
              Document associated with the file.
            • fileExtension: String!
              File extension of the file.
            • fileName: String
              Name of the file.
            • id: String!
              File ID. Value identifies the file in the case.
            • isContent: Boolean!
              True if the file is a content file for the document.
            • isPage: Boolean!
              True if the file is a page file for the document.
            • pageCount: Int
              Number of pages in the page file, for a page file that has multiple pages.
            • pageFileNumber: Int
              Sequential number of the page file within the document, for documents with multiple page files.
            • sizeInBytes: Int!
              Size of the file, in bytes.

            FileChangesBlockedBy ENUM

            Document states that block changes to the document's files.

            • Nothing:
            • Annotations: A page in the document has annotations.
            • Productions: The document is in a locked production that has not been successfully printed.
            • Rendition:

            FileTranferLocationEnum ENUM

            File transfer location for documents in the import

            • Windows:
            • AmazonS3:

            Float SCALAR

              Group OBJECT

              Informaton about a case group.

              • id: Int!
                Group ID. Identifies the group in the case.
              • name: String!
                Name of the case group.
              • quickCode: Int
                Timeline Date field for the case group.
              • startPage: String
                Timeline Date field for the case group.
              • timelineDate: Int
                Timeline Date field for the case group.
              • userCount: Int!
                Group ID. Identifies the group in the case.
              • users: [User]
                The users assigned to the case group.

              GroupSort INPUT_OBJECT

              A sort parameter for case groups.

              GroupSortField ENUM

              Case field for sorting.

              • id: Group ID. Identifies the group in the case.
              • name: Name of the case group.
              • userCount: Group ID. Identifies the group in the case.

              GroupUserUnassignInputType INPUT_OBJECT

              Input for unassigning users from a case group.

              • userId: [Int]!
                User IDs. Identifies users in the portal.
              • caseId: Int!
                Case ID. Identifies the case in the portal.
              • groupId: Int!
                User Group ID. Identifies the user group in the case.

              GroupUserUnassignResult OBJECT

              Results of unassigning users from a case group.

              • errorCount: Int
                The number of unsuccessful attempts to unassign users from case groups.
              • notChangedCount: Int
                The number of users whose case group assignments were unchanged.
              • successCount: Int
                The number of users successfully unassigned from case groups.
              • totalCount: Int
                The total number of attempted case group user assignments.

              health OBJECT

              Routines that can be used to check the health of the Realtime Processing Framework (RPF).

              • bottlenecks: [Bottleneck]
                A list of workers waiting for an RPF supervisor.

              ID SCALAR

                ImportError OBJECT

                import error type description

                • documentId: String
                • errorCategory: String
                  Error category
                • errorMessage: String
                  Error message

                importErrors OBJECT

                Import Errors

                ImportIngestionType OBJECT

                An import or ingestion job in the case.

                • documentCount: Int!
                  Number of documents loaded.
                • duration: TimeSpan
                  Duration of the job, in seconds.
                • exceptionItemCount: Int!
                  Number of exception items in the ingestion job.
                • exceptionItemSize: Int!
                  Total file size of the exception items in the ingestion job, in bytes.
                • expandedItemCount: Int!
                  Number of expanded items in the ingestion job.
                • expandedItemSize: Int!
                  Total file size of the expanded items in the ingestion job, in bytes.
                • firstLoadPath: String!
                  First level path of the documents loaded.
                • id: Int!
                  ID. Identifies the ingestion.
                • jobStart: DateTime
                  Date the import or ingestion job began, in UTC.
                • lastLoadPath: String!
                  Last level path of the documents loaded.
                • name: String!
                  Name of the job.
                • processedFiles: Int!
                  Number of processed files in the ingestion job.
                • rpfJobId: Int!
                  RPF Job ID. Identifies the ingestion job.
                • sourceFileCount: Int!
                  Number of source files in the ingestion job.
                • sourceFileSize: Int!
                  Total file size of the source files in the ingestion job.
                • status: String!
                  Status of the job.
                • suppressedDateCount: Int!
                  Number of files suppressed by date in the ingestion job.
                • suppressedDateSize: Int!
                  Total file size of the files suppressed by date in the ingestion job, in bytes.
                • suppressedDupCount: Int!
                  Number of suppressed duplicate files in the ingestion job.
                • suppressedDupSize: Int!
                  Total file size of suppressed duplicate files in the ingestion job, in bytes.
                • suppressedNISTCount: Int!
                  Number of suppressed NIST files in the ingestion job.
                • suppressedNISTSize: Int!
                  Total file size of the supressed NIST files in the ingestion job, in bytes.
                • suppressedSTFCount: Int!
                  Number of files suppressed by search term families in the ingestion job.
                • suppressedSTFSize: Int!
                  Total file size of the files suppressed by search term families in the ingestion job, in bytes.
                • type: String!
                  Type of job.
                • unprocessedFiles: Int!
                  Number of unprocessed files in the ingestion job.
                • user: User
                  User who started the job.

                ImportJobAddConversations OBJECT

                Add conversations to the import job.

                • conversationCount: Int!
                  The total number of messages uploaded.

                ImportJobAddConversationsInput INPUT_OBJECT

                Parameters for adding messages to a created import job.

                • rdxJobId: Int!
                  The ID of the RDX job running the import.
                • conversations: [ConversationInputParams]!
                  The documents imported with the importMessageEvents mutation.

                ImportJobAddDocuments OBJECT

                Add documents to a created import job.

                • documentCount: Int!
                  The number of documents to be imported.

                ImportJobAddDocumentsInput INPUT_OBJECT

                Parameters for submitting an Audit Log Download job.

                • rdxJobId: Int!
                  The ID of the RDX job running the import.
                • documents: [DocumentInputParams]!
                  The documents imported with the importDocuments mutation.

                ImportJobAddMessageEvents OBJECT

                Add messages to an import job.

                • messageEventCount: Int!
                  The count of messages added to the job.

                ImportJobAddMessageEventsInput INPUT_OBJECT

                Parameters for adding messages to a created import job.

                • rdxJobId: Int!
                  The ID of the RDX job running the import.
                • messageEvents: [MessageEventInputParams]!
                  The documents imported with the importMessageEvents mutation.

                ImportJobAnnotationColorEnum ENUM

                The annotation color.

                • BLACK: The annotation color is set to Black.
                • WHITE: The annotation color is set to White.
                • BEIGE: The annotation color is set to Beige.
                • BLUE: The annotation color is set to Blue.
                • BROWN: The annotation color is set to Brown.
                • CYAN: The annotation color is set to Cyan.
                • GREEN: The annotation color is set to Green.
                • GREY: The annotation color is set to Grey.
                • ORANGE: The annotation color is set to Orange.
                • PINK: The annotation color is set to Pink.
                • PURPLE: The annotation color is set to Purple.
                • RED: The annotation color is set to Red.
                • SILVER: The annotation color is set to Silver.
                • YELLOW: The annotation color is set to Yellow.
                • LIGHT_PINK: The annotation color is set to Light Pink.
                • MEDIUM_ORANGE: The annotation color is set to Medium Orange.
                • MEDIUM_YELLOW: The annotation color is set to Medium Yellow.
                • LIGHT_YELLOW: The annotation color is set to Light Yellow.
                • APPLE_GREEN: The annotation color is set to Apple Green.
                • MEDIUM_APPLE_GREEN: The annotation color is set to Medium Apple Green.
                • LIGHT_APPLE_GREEN: The annotation color is set to Light Apple Green.
                • MEDIUM_GREEN: The annotation color is set to Medium Green.
                • LIGHT_GREEN: The annotation color is set to Light Green.
                • LIGHT_BLUE: The annotation color is set to Light Blue.
                • AZURE: The annotation color is set to Azure.
                • MEDIUM_AZURE: The annotation color is set to Medium Azure.
                • LIGHT_AZURE: The annotation color is set to Light Azure.
                • MEDIUM_PURPLE: The annotation color is set to Medium Purple.
                • LIGHT_PURPLE: The annotation color is set to Light Purple.
                • MEDIUM_BROWN: The annotation color is set to Medium Brown.
                • LIGHT_BROWN: The annotation color is set to Light Brown.
                • LIGHT_GREY: The annotation color is set to Light Grey.

                ImportJobCreate OBJECT

                Creates an import job.

                ImportJobS3Refresh OBJECT

                ImportJobSubmit OBJECT

                • rpfJobId: Int!
                  The ID of the RDX job running the import.

                ImportJobSubmitJobInput INPUT_OBJECT

                Parameters for submitting a created import job

                • rdxJobId: Int!
                  The ID of the RDX job running the import.

                Int SCALAR

                  IssuesParams INPUT_OBJECT

                  Job OBJECT

                  Realtime Processing Framework (RPF) jobs.

                  • case: Case
                    Case for the job.
                  • categoryName: String!
                    Job category.
                  • creatingUser: User
                    User who created the job.
                  • dateFinished: DateTime
                    Completion date of the job, in UTC.
                  • dateStarted: DateTime
                    Start date of the job, in UTC.
                  • duration: TimeSpan
                    Duration of the job in hours, minutes, and seconds (00:00:00).
                  • id: Int!
                    Job ID. Identifies the job in the Realtime Processing Framework (RPF).
                  • name: String!
                    Name of the job.
                  • organization: Organization
                    Organization for the job.
                  • portalName: String!
                    Portal for the job.
                  • stages: [Stage]
                    Stages of the job.
                  • status: String!
                    Status of the job.

                  JobStatus ENUM

                  Realtime Processing Framework (RPF) job status.

                  • Queued: Queued.
                  • Suspended: Suspended.
                    Obsolete status.
                  • Processing: Processing.
                  • Succeeded: Succeeded.
                  • Failed: Failed.
                  • Aborted: Aborted.
                    Obsolete status.
                  • Paused: Paused.
                  • Cancelled: Cancelled.
                  • SucceededWithWarnings: Succeeded with warnings.

                  Lot OBJECT

                  List of lots in the case.

                  MessageEventInputParams INPUT_OBJECT

                  The fields and values for a message.

                  • eventId: String!
                    Unique id.
                  • conversationId: String!
                    The unique identifier for the message that groups the messages together into a conversation.
                  • parentEventId: String
                    The id of the message parent.
                  • channelName: String
                    Channel name of the message.
                  • platform: String
                    Platform of the message.
                  • type: String
                    Type of message.
                  • content: String!
                    The content of the message.
                  • eventDateTime: DateTime
                    The date time of the message.
                  • sender: ParticipantParams
                    The sender of the message.
                  • recipients: [ParticipantParams]
                    The participants for the message.

                  MetaDataParams INPUT_OBJECT

                  • name: String!
                    The name of the meta data field for the conversation.
                  • values: [String]!
                    The value(s) for the meta data field for the conversation.

                  Milliseconds SCALAR

                  The `Milliseconds` scalar type represents a period of time represented as the total number of milliseconds.

                    NoteParams INPUT_OBJECT

                    • id: Int!
                      This is an integer value assigned to each note. This must be unique for each note for a single document.
                    • category: String
                      This is the category for the note.
                    • userName: String
                      The user name of the user who created the note.
                    • dateStamp: DateTime
                      The date the note was last modified.
                    • isPrivate: Boolean
                      Indicates whether the note is a private note.
                    • parentNoteId: Int
                      Indicates the id of the parent note. The parent note must be also be part of this import.
                    • noteText: String!
                      The text of the note.
                    • noteTextHtml: String
                      The text of the note with HTML formatting.
                    • isAnnotation: Boolean
                      Indicates whether the note is an annotation that appears on a specific page of the document.
                    • pageNumber: Int
                      For a note that is also an annotation, this field indicates the page record on which the note is located.
                    • filePageNumber: Int
                      For a note that is also an annotation, this field indicates the page of the file on which the note is located.
                    • x1: Int
                      The x1 coordinate for the note.
                    • x2: Int
                      The x2 coordinate for the note.
                    • y1: Int
                      The y1 coordinate for the note.
                    • y2: Int
                      The y2 coordinate for the note.

                    NumericComparison INPUT_OBJECT

                    Perform a comparison of numeric values.

                    NumericComparisonEnum ENUM

                    Comparison operation for numeric values.

                    • Equal: Numeric value is equal to a specified value.
                    • LessThan: Numeric value is less than a specified value.
                    • LessThanOrEqualTo: Numeric value is less than or equal to a specified value.
                    • GreaterThan: Numeric value is greater than a specified value.
                    • GreaterThanOrEqualTo: Numeric value is greater than or equal to a specified value.

                    Organization OBJECT

                    An organization is a group of cases and users within the portal.

                    • accountNumber: String
                      Account number of the organization.
                    • areCasesAutoNamed: Boolean!
                      True for organizations with the Name cases automatically using the account number setting enabled, otherwise false.
                    • cases: [Case] (
                      • active: Boolean Filter to active or inactive cases.
                      • assignedToMe: Boolean Filter to cases that the user making the request is assigned to. The filter is required when you query data that is stored in the case database. The filter is optional when you query data that is stored in the portal database.
                      • billingStatus: CaseBillingStatusEnum Filter to cases with the specified billing status.
                      • decommissionStatus: CaseDecommissionStatusEnumType Filter to cases with the specified decommission status.
                      • id: Int Filter to the case with the specified ID.
                      • ids: [Int] Filter to the cases with any of the specified IDs.
                      • name: String Filter to cases with the specified name.
                      • organizationId: [Int] Filter to organizations with the specified ID.
                      • organizationName: String Filter to organizations with the specified name.
                      • providerOrganizationId: [Int] Filter to cases that belong to organizations with the specified provider organization ID.
                      • scroll: PageParams Parameters for paging results.
                      • sort: [CaseSort] Sort by the specified fields.
                      Cases assigned to the organization.
                    • id: Int!
                      Organization ID. Identifies the organization in the portal.
                    • isProvider: Boolean!
                      True for organizations that are enabled as provider organizations, otherwise false.
                    • name: String!
                      Name of the organization.
                    • providerOrganizationAccountNumber: String
                      For a client organization, the account number of its provider organization.
                    • providerOrganizationId: Int
                      For a client organization, the ID of its provider organization.
                    • providerOrganizationName: String
                      For a client organization, the name of its provider organization.

                    OrganizationAddInputType INPUT_OBJECT

                    The organization.

                    • name: String!
                      Name of the organization.
                    • providerOrganizationId: Int
                      Organization id of the provider organization for this client organization.
                    • accountNumber: String
                      Account number of the organization.
                    • isProvider: Boolean
                      This is a provider organization.

                    OrganizationAddResult OBJECT

                    Results from assigning users to organizations.

                    • errorCount: Int
                      Number of resulting errors from organization add.
                    • notChangedCount: Int
                      Total number of unchanged organization additions.
                    • organizations: [Organization]
                      Organization id of the successfully added organization.
                    • successCount: Int
                      Number of successfully created organizations.
                    • totalCount: Int
                      Total number of attempted organization additions.

                    OrganizationUpdateInputType INPUT_OBJECT

                    The organization.

                    • name: String
                      Organization name.
                    • organizationId: Int!
                      Organization ID. Identifies the organization in the portal.
                    • accountNumber: String
                      Account Number of Organization being created.
                    • caseId: Int
                      Case ID. Identifies the case template for cloning.

                    OrganizationUpdateResult OBJECT

                    Results from assigning users to organizations.

                    • errorCount: Int
                      Number of resulting errors from organization update.
                    • notChangedCount: Int
                      Total number of unchanged organization updates.
                    • successCount: Int
                      Number of successfully updates organizations.
                    • totalCount: Int
                      Total number of attempted organization updates.

                    OrganizationUserAssignInputType INPUT_OBJECT

                    Organization user type.

                    • userId: [Int]!
                      User IDs. Identifies the users in the organization.
                    • organizationId: Int!
                      Organization ID. Identifies the organization.

                    OrganizationUserAssignResult OBJECT

                    Results from assigning users to organizations.

                    • errorCount: Int
                      Number of resulting errors from user organization assignments.
                    • notChangedCount: Int
                      Number of organization user assignments that were unchanged.
                    • successCount: Int
                      Number of users successfully assigned to organizations.
                    • totalCount: Int
                      Number of attempted organization user assignments.

                    PageParams INPUT_OBJECT

                    Parameters for filtering, sorting, and paging results.

                    • start: Int
                      Starting index of records to return based on the request limit. Default 0.
                    • limit: Int
                      Number of records to return per request.

                    PagesParams INPUT_OBJECT

                    • pagenumber: Int!
                      The page number.
                    • pagelabel: String
                      The page label of the page (optional).
                    • path: String!
                      The location of the physical file to upload.

                    ParticipantParams INPUT_OBJECT

                    • id: String!
                      The unique identifier for the participant.

                    Phase OBJECT

                    List of phases in the case.

                    • documentsPerAssignment: Int
                      The workflow documents by assignment in the case.
                    • id: Int
                      ID. Identifies the workflow in the case.
                    • locked: Boolean!
                      The lock status of the workflow in the case.
                    • name: String!
                      Name of the workflow in the case.
                    • parentId: Int
                      Parent ID. Identifies the parent workflow in the case.
                    • parentPhaseName: String
                      The parent workflow phase name in the case.
                    • quickCode: QuickCode
                      The workflow quick code in the case.
                    • validationCriteriaName: String
                      The workflow validation criteria in the case.

                    PortalCategoryEnumType ENUM

                    User roles in the portal.

                    • SystemAdministrator: System administrators have full administrator rights to all features and cases.
                    • PortalAdministrator: Portal administrators have certain administrator rights.
                    • PortalUser: Portal users can view and perform work in assigned cases.

                    PortalUserParams INPUT_OBJECT

                    Type of data entered by the Portal user.

                    • firstName: String!
                      First name of the Portal user.
                    • lastName: String!
                      Last name of the Portal user.
                    • userName: String!
                      User name of the Portal user.
                    • password: String!
                      Portal users password.
                    • email: String
                      Email address of the Portal user.
                    • licenses: Int
                      Licenses associated with the Portal user.
                    • requirePasswordChange: Boolean
                      Force reset setting for the Portal user account.
                    • portalCategory: PortalCategoryEnumType!
                      The category assigned to the Portal user.
                    • organizationId: Int
                      Organization ID. Identifies the organization of the Portal user.
                    • companyId: Int
                      Company ID. Identifies the company of the cloned case.
                    • addToActiveDirectory: Boolean
                      Indicates if Portal user is added to active directory.

                    Production OBJECT

                    List of productions.

                    • beginBates: String
                      Start number of the production.
                    • creator: User
                      Creator of the production.
                    • date: DateTime
                      Creation/Locked date of the production.
                    • description: String
                      Description of the production.
                    • docCount: Int!
                      Number of documents in the production.
                    • endBates: String
                      End number of the production.
                    • name: String
                      Name of the production.
                    • pageCount: Int!
                      Number of pages in the production.
                    • status: ProductionStatus
                      Status of the production.

                    ProductionPrintStatus ENUM

                    Production print status.

                    • NotPrinted: Not printed.
                    • Queued: Queued.
                    • ErrorPrinting: Error printing.
                    • RetryPrinting: Retry printing.
                    • PrintFailed: Print failed.
                    • Printed: Printed.
                    • Printing: Printing.
                    • PrintFailedExternal:

                    ProductionStatus ENUM

                    Production job status.

                    • Locked: Locked.
                    • Locking: Locking.
                    • Unlocked: Unlocked.
                    • Unlocking: Unlocking.
                    • Printed: Printed.
                    • Printing: Printing.
                    • NeedsUpgrade: Needs to be upgraded.
                    • Upgrading: Upgrading.
                    • LockedWithErrors: Locked with errors.

                    QuickCode OBJECT

                    List of lots in the case.

                    RdxJobStatus ENUM

                    Realtime Data Exchange (RDX) job status.

                    • Deleted: Deleted.
                    • NotReady: Not Ready.
                    • Ready: Ready.
                    • Scheduled: Scheduled.
                    • InProgress: In Progress.
                    • Completed: Completed.
                    • Error: Error.
                    • Disabled: Disabled.
                    • Cancelled: Cancelled.
                    • CompletedWithWarnings: Completed with warnings.
                    • Draft: Draft.
                    • CompletedWithExceptions: Completed with exceptions.

                    RdxJobTypes ENUM

                    Realtime Data Exchange (RDX) job type.

                    • Ingestions:
                    • ImportSQL:
                    • ImportFlatFile:
                    • ImportMDB:
                    • Individual:

                    RecurrenceSchedule ENUM

                    Realtime Processing Framework (RPF) jobs can be set to recur on different types of schedules.

                    • Once: Scheduled job occurs only once.
                      This schedule type is no longer an option.
                    • Second: Scheduled job runs on the second instance of a period.
                      This schedule type is no longer an option.
                    • Minute: Scheduled job runs once per minute.
                      This schedule type is no longer an option.
                    • Hourly: Scheduled job runs once per hour.
                      This schedule type is no longer an option.
                    • Daily: Scheduled job runs once per day at the specified time, in UTC.
                    • Weekly: Scheduled job runs once per week at the specified day and time, in UTC.
                    • Monthly: Scheduled job runs once per month at the specified day and time, in UTC.
                    • Yearly: Scheduled job runs once per year at the specified day and time, in UTC.
                      This schedule type is no longer an option.

                    ReviewSetup OBJECT

                    Review setup in the case.

                    • assignments: [Assignment] ()
                      List of assignments in the case.
                    • workflows: [Workflow] (
                      • id: [Int] Filter to the workflows with any of the specified workflow IDs.
                      • scroll: PageParams Parameters for paging results.
                      List of workflows in the case.

                    ReviewWorkflow OBJECT

                    List of review workflows in the case.

                    • count: Int!
                      Distinct documents included in the review workflow.
                    • name: String
                      Name of the review workflow.

                    RPF OBJECT

                    Information about the Realtime Processing Framework (RPF).

                    • health: health
                      Realtime Processing Framework (RPF) health.
                    • jobs: [Job] (
                      • categoryName: String Filter to jobs with the specified category.
                      • dateFinished: DateComparison Filter to jobs with the specified completion date, in UTC.
                      • dateStarted: DateComparison Filter to jobs with the specified start date, in UTC.
                      • id: Int Filter to jobs by rpf job ID.
                      • jobStatus: [JobStatus] Filter to jobs with the specified status.
                      • scroll: PageParams Parameters for paging results.
                      List of Realtime Processing Framework (RPF) jobs.
                    • scheduledJobs: [ScheduledJob] (
                      • caseDatabaseName: String Filter to scheduled jobs for cases with the specified name.
                      • organizationName: String Filter to scheduled jobs for organizations with the specified name.
                      • portalName: String Filter to scheduled jobs for the portal with the specified name.
                      • scroll: PageParams Parameters for paging results.
                      • type: String Filter to scheduled jobs with the specified job type.
                      List of Realtime Processing Framework (RPF) scheduled jobs.
                    • settings: settings
                      Realtime Processing Framework (RPF) settings.
                    • workers: [Worker] (
                      • assemblyName: String Filter to workers with the specified assembly name.
                      • className: String Filter to workers with the specified class name.
                      • id: [Int] Filter to workers with the specified ID.
                      • scroll: PageParams Parameters for paging results.
                      • version: String Filter to workers with the specified version.
                      List of Realtime Processing Framework (RPF) workers.

                    SAAction ENUM

                    The action to take on the incoming field data.

                    • Delete: Removes coding from the document for the field.
                    • InsertUpdate: Inserts or updates the value(s) of the field.

                    ScalableFieldType ENUM

                    The types of fields.

                    • Boolean: A yes/no field.
                    • Container: A container or category of fields.
                    • DateTime: A date field.
                    • Inset: A field reflecting a set of documents, such as a binder or level.
                    • Memo: A memo field.
                    • Number: A number field.
                    • PickList: A pick list field.
                    • Text: A text field.

                    ScheduledJob OBJECT

                    Realtime Processing Framework (RPF) scheduled jobs.

                    • case: Case
                      Case for the scheduled job.
                    • id: Int!
                      Scheduled job ID. Identifies the scheduled job in the Realtime Processing Framework (RPF).
                    • lastUpdatedBy: String!
                      User name of the user who last updated the scheduled job.
                    • name: String!
                      Name of the scheduled job.
                    • nextStartTime: DateTime
                      Next start time of the scheduled job, in UTC.
                    • organization: Organization
                      Organization for the scheduled job.
                    • portalName: String!
                      Portal for the scheduled job.
                    • recurFrequency: Int!
                      Frequency of recurrence for the scheduled job.
                    • recurPeriod: RecurrenceSchedule
                      Recurring schedule period for the scheduled job.
                    • type: String!
                      Type of scheduled job.

                    SearchIncludeSetting ENUM

                    Setting for which items to return from a search.

                    • MatchingItems: Only return items matching the search query.
                    • SourcesAndAttachments: Return items matching the search query plus their source and attachment items.
                    • Threads: Return items matching the search query plus other items in the conversation thread.

                    SearchOperator ENUM

                    Comparison operator used to match in search. All operators are case insensitive.

                    • Equal: Exact match.
                    • NotEqual: Difference.
                    • GreaterThan: Matches if greater than the given value.
                    • GreaterOrEqual: Matches if greater than or equal to the given value.
                    • LessThan: Matches if less than the given value.
                    • LessOrEqual: Matches if less than or equal to the given value.
                    • Between: Matches if the value is between the two given values (inclusive).
                    • NotBetween: Matches if the value is NOT between the two given values (inclusive).
                    • HasValue: Matches if the given field has any value.
                    • NoValue: Matches if the given field has NO value.
                    • Like: Substring match.
                    • Starts: Matches if the given value appears at the start.
                    • NotStarts: Matches if the given value does not appear at the start.
                    • Contains: Substring match. More efficient at matching large strings than Like.
                    • NotContains: Matches if the given value is not a substring. More efficient at matching large strings than NotLike.
                    • Similar: Matches using the content similarity index.
                    • NotLike: Matches if the given value is not a substring.
                    • CorrespondenceBetween: Matches correspondence between the given entities.
                    • LikeCorrespondenceBetween: Matches correspondence between entities with the given name substring.
                    • ContainsCorrespondenceBetween: Matches correspondence between entities with the given name substring. More efficient at matching large strings than LikeCorrespondenceBetween.
                    • IsOnly: Matches if the given value is the only one present.
                    • PreviousValueEverWas: Matches if the given value was previously coded. This operator searches audit records stored in Coding History.

                    SearchResult OBJECT

                    A search results set.

                    • count: Int!
                      Number of results for the search.
                    • dateRun: DateTime
                      Date the search was run, in UTC.
                    • documents: [Document] (
                      • mainId: [Int] Filter to fields with the any of the specified mainId(s).
                      • scroll: PageParams Parameters for paging results.
                      List of documents in the case.
                    • entityId: Int!
                      Entity ID of the data model entity for the search.
                    • fields: [CaseFieldData] (
                      • id: [String] Filter to fields with the specified IDs.
                      • name: String Filter to fields with the specified name.
                      Fields in the case.
                    • id: Int!
                      Unique identifier for the search.
                    • includeSourceAttachments: Boolean!
                      Whether sources and attachments were included in the search.
                    • items: [EntityItemType] (
                      • mainId: [Int] Filter to fields with the any of the specified mainId(s).
                      • scroll: PageParams Parameters for paging results.
                      List of documents in the case.
                    • label: String
                      Label of the search.
                    • renditions: Boolean!
                      Whether the search was run for renditions.
                    • searchRml: String
                      The Markup Language string for the search.
                    • threading: Boolean!
                      Whether the search was run with threading.
                    • user: User
                      User who ran the search.

                    SearchRunInput INPUT_OBJECT

                    Parameters for a search query to run.

                    • entity: String
                      ID or name of the data model entity for the search.
                    • include: SearchIncludeSetting
                      Indicate whether to include related items in the search results.
                    • renditions: Boolean
                      True to search only rendition items; false to search only non-rendition items. If not specified, only non-rendition items are searched.
                    • singleQuery: SingleQueryInput
                      Single-field search query to execute.

                    Seconds SCALAR

                    The `Seconds` scalar type represents a period of time represented as the total number of seconds.

                      Setting OBJECT

                      Options set by an administrator that control behavior at the portal level.

                      • name: String!
                        Name of the setting.
                      • value: String
                        Value of the setting.

                      settings OBJECT

                      Realtime Procesing Framework (RPF) settings.

                      • connectionString: String
                        Connection information for the Realtime Processing Framework (RPF) database.

                      SingleQueryInput INPUT_OBJECT

                      Search query referencing a single field expression.

                      • entity: String
                        ID or name of the data model entity to search. If not specified, the Document entity is searched.
                      • field: String
                        ID or name of a field to query. Using field names will cause the query to break if the field is renamed. The field name is not case sensitive but otherwise must match exactly.
                      • operator: SearchOperator
                        Search query operator.
                      • value: [String!]
                        Value or pair of values to search for, depending on the search operator. For example, the Equal operator used with a text field requires a single value, such as {value: "Value to match"}. The Between operator used with a date field requires a pair of values, such as {value: ["2019-05-01", "2019-06-01"]}. Finally, the HasValue operator requires no value. For fields with pre-defined values, such as pick list fields, Saved Searches, and Binder - Shared, use the field ID or the exact full name of the value.

                      SortDirection ENUM

                      Sort direction.

                      • Asc: Sort in ascending order.
                      • Desc: Sort in descending order.

                      Stage OBJECT

                      Realtime Processing Framework (RPF) job stages.

                      • dateFinished: DateTime
                        Completion date of the stage, in UTC.
                      • dateStarted: DateTime
                        Start date of the stage, in UTC.
                      • duration: TimeSpan
                        Duration of the stage in hours, minutes, and seconds (00:00:00).
                      • name: String!
                        Name of the stage.
                      • status: StageStatus
                        Status of the stage.
                      • tasks: [Task] (
                        • dateFinished: DateTime Filter to tasks with the specified completion date, in UTC.
                        • dateStarted: DateTime Filter to tasks with the specified start date, in UTC.
                        • scroll: PageParams Parameters for paging results.
                        • taskStatus: [TaskStatus] Filter to tasks with the specified status.
                        Tasks for the stage.

                      StageStatus ENUM

                      Status of the stage.

                      • PreviousStagesIncomplete: Previous stages incomplete.
                      • Schedulable: Schedulable.
                      • Active: Active.
                      • Aborting: Aborting.
                      • Aborted: Aborted.
                      • Succeeded: Succeeded.
                      • Failed: Failed.
                      • SucceededWithWarnings: Succeeded with warnings.

                      statistics OBJECT

                      Aggregate file size and usage metrics for a case. Statistics are updated by the gather case metrics RPF job, or the indexing and enrichment RPF job run with the update case metrics option.

                      • aggregateActiveHostedSize: Int
                        The sum of sizeOfBaseDocumentsHostedDetails, sizeOfRenditionsHostedDetails, aggregateDatabases, sizeOfElasticSearchIndex, dtIndexSize, sizeOfFolderData_Predict
                      • aggregateBaseDocsUsageSummary: Int
                        Number of base documents in the case.
                      • aggregateDatabases: Int
                        Total size of the case databases, in bytes. Includes the case database, concept entity database, data warehouse database, and archive database, where applicable.
                      • aggregateTotalHostedSize: Int
                        Total hosted file size. The sum of sizeofBaseDocumentsHostedDetails, sizeofRenditionsHostedDetails, aggregateDatabases, sizeOfElasticSearchIndex, dtIndexSize, sizeOfNonDocumentData, and sizeOfOrphanFiles.
                      • countOfDocsWithNoContent: Int
                        Number of documents without either content file records or page file records.
                      • countOfDocsWithNoPages: Int
                        Number of documents without either content file records or page file records.
                      • countOfDocsWithNoPagesAndNoContent: Int
                        Number of documents without either content file records or page file records.
                      • countOfDocsWithPagesAndContent: Int
                        Number of documents without either content file records or page file records.
                      • countOfImportDocs: Int
                        Number of documents that were loaded using the Imports feature.
                      • countOfImportJobs: Int
                        Number of imports associated with documents.
                      • countOfIngestionDocs: Int
                        Number of documents that were loaded using the ingestions feature.
                      • countOfIngestionJobs: Int
                        Number of ingestions associated with documents.
                      • countOfOcrPages: Int
                        Number of pages of documents that were submitted for OCR (optical character recognition) processing.
                      • countOfPredictedDocs: Int
                        Number of documents that have had predictive coding applied.
                      • countOfProductionDocs: Int
                        Number of production rendition documents.
                      • countOfProductionJobs: Int
                        Number of locked productions.
                      • countOfProductionPages: Int
                        Number of pages associated with production renditions.
                      • countOfSubmittedCharsUsingGoogle: Int
                        Number of characters submitted for translation to Google.
                      • countOfSubmittedCharsUsingMicrosoft: Int
                        Number of characters submitted for translation to Microsoft.
                      • countOfTiffedPages: Int
                        Number of pages generated by TIFF-on-the-Fly processing or Imaging (.tiff, .pdf, or .jpeg).
                      • countOfTranscribedAudioMinutes: Int
                        Number of audio minutes that have been transcribed.
                      • countOfTranslatedDocs: Int
                        Number of documents that have been translated.
                      • countOfTranslationDocRequests: Int
                        Number of document translation requests.
                      • customStatistics: [customStatisitics] (
                        • extensionId: [Int] Filter to custom statistics with the specified UI extension IDs.
                        • id: [Int] Filter to custom statistics with the specified IDs.
                        • name: String Filter to custom statistics with the specified name.
                        Aggregate user-defined metrics for the case.
                      • dateOfMaxActiveHostedSize: Date
                        The date of the maximum value of aggregateActiveHostedSize within a given date range.
                      • dtIndexSize: Int
                        Size of the dtSearch index files, in bytes.
                      • maxActiveHostedSize: Int
                        The maximum value of aggregateActiveHostedSize within a given date range, in bytes.
                      • metricsAvailability: String
                        Completeness of metrics for the case given the specified date parameters.
                      • sizeOfAllOtherFolderData: Int
                        Size of the files associated with the case in all other folders in the file system besides the folders with explicit statistics fields, in bytes.
                      • sizeOfArchiveFolderData: Int
                        The total physical file size of all files in the Archive repository
                      • sizeOfBaseDocumentsHostedDetails: Int
                        Total file size of image files, content files, and native files that are associated with base documents and non-document entity items, in bytes.
                      • sizeOfCltFolderData_ClientData: Int
                        Custom case statistic.
                      • sizeOfCltFolderData_Exports: Int
                        Custom case statistic.
                      • sizeOfCltFolderData_FileTransferIn: Int
                        Custom case statistic.
                      • sizeOfCltFolderData_FileTransferOut: Int
                        Custom case statistic.
                      • sizeOfCltFolderData_Imports: Int
                        Custom case statistic.
                      • sizeOfCltFolderData_Ingest: Int
                        Custom case statistic.
                      • sizeOfCltFolderData_Ingest_Temp: Int
                        Custom case statistic.
                      • sizeOfCltFolderData_Processing: Int
                        Custom case statistic.
                      • sizeOfCltFolderData_Suppresed: Int
                        Custom case statistic.
                      • sizeOfCltFolderData_Upload: Int
                        Custom case statistic.
                      • sizeOfElasticSearchIndex: Int
                        Total size of the ElasticSearch index associated with the case, in bytes.
                      • sizeOfFileTransferData_BatchPrint: Int
                        The total physical file size of all case files in the BatchPrint folder in the File Transfer repository
                      • sizeOfFileTransferData_cases: Int
                        The total physical file size of all case files in the cases folder in the File Transfer repository
                      • sizeOfFileTransferData_dtOptions: Int
                        The total physical file size of all case files in the dtOptions folder in the File Transfer repository
                      • sizeOfFileTransferData_dtThesaurus: Int
                        The total physical file size of all case files in the dtThesaurus folder in the File Transfer repository
                      • sizeOfFileTransferData_Export: Int
                        The total physical file size of all case files in the Export folder in the File Transfer repository
                      • sizeOfFileTransferData_Import: Int
                        The total physical file size of all case files in the Import folder in the File Transfer repository
                      • sizeOfFileTransferData_ingest: Int
                        The total physical file size of all case files in the ingest folder in the File Transfer repository
                      • sizeOfFileTransferData_Ingest_Temp: Int
                        The total physical file size of all case files in the Ingest_Temp folder in the File Transfer repository
                      • sizeOfFileTransferData_Other: Int
                        The size of all other repository folders in the File Transfer repository
                      • sizeOfFileTransferData_Predict: Int
                        The total physical file size of all case files in the Predict folder in the File Transfer repository
                      • sizeOfFileTransferData_Suppressed: Int
                        The total physical file size of all case files in the Suppressed folder in the File Transfer repository
                      • sizeOfFileTransferData_Upload: Int
                        The total physical file size of all case files in the Upload folder in the File Transfer repository
                      • sizeOfFolderData_BatchPrint: Int
                        Size of the files associated with the case in the batchprint folder in the file system, in bytes.
                      • sizeOfFolderData_cases: Int
                        Size of the files associated with the case in the cases folder in the file system, in bytes.
                      • sizeOfFolderData_dtOptions: Int
                        Size of the files associated with the case in the dtOptions folder in the file system, in bytes.
                      • sizeOfFolderData_dtThesaurus: Int
                        Size of the files associated with the case in the dtThesaurus folder in the file system, in bytes.
                      • sizeOfFolderData_Export: Int
                        Size of the files associated with the case in the export folder in the file system, in bytes.
                      • sizeOfFolderData_ImageRepositoryOther: Int
                        Total file size of files in any folder on the case image repository besides the folders specified by other statistics.
                      • sizeOfFolderData_Import: Int
                        Size of the files associated with the case in the import folder in the file system, in bytes.
                      • sizeOfFolderData_ingest: Int
                        Size of the files associated with the case in the ingest folder in the file system, in bytes.
                      • sizeOfFolderData_Ingest_Temp: Int
                        Size of the files associated with the case in the ingest_temp folder in the file system, in bytes.
                      • sizeOfFolderData_Predict: Int
                        Size of the files associated with the case in the predict folder in the file system, in bytes.
                      • sizeOfFolderData_Suppressed: Int
                        Size of the files associated with the case in the suppressed folder in the file system, in bytes.
                      • sizeOfFolderData_Upload: Int
                        Size of the files associated with the case in the upload folder in the file system, in bytes.
                      • sizeOfImportDocs: Int
                        Total file size of documents that were loaded using the imports feature, in bytes.
                      • sizeOfIngestionDocs: Int
                        Total file size of documents that were loaded using the ingestions feature, in bytes.
                      • sizeOfIngestionExpandedItems: Int
                        Total size of expanded items of ingestion jobs that succeeded (status id 5) or succeeded with warnings (status id 9), in bytes.
                      • sizeOfMissingFiles: Int
                        Total file size of files associated with documents, but missing from the expected location in the images folder, in bytes.
                      • sizeOfNonDocumentData: Int
                        Total file size of files in all folders in the file system other than images and dtIndexes.
                      • sizeOfOrphanFiles: Int
                        Total file size of files located in the images folder but not associated with a document.
                      • sizeOfRenditionsHostedDetails: Int
                        Total file size of image files, native files, and content files that are associated with production renditions, in bytes.

                      String SCALAR

                        Task OBJECT

                        Realtime Processing Framework (RPF) job stage tasks.

                        • dateFinished: DateTime
                          Completion date of the task, in UTC.
                        • dateStarted: DateTime
                          Start date of the task, in UTC.
                        • duration: TimeSpan
                          Duration of the task in hours, minutes, and seconds (00:00:00).
                        • error: String
                          Error message for the task.
                        • id: Int!
                          Task ID. Identifies the task in the Realtime Processing Framework (RPF).
                        • status: TaskStatus
                          Status of the task.

                        TaskStatus ENUM

                        Status of the task.

                        • PreviousStagesIncomplete: Previous stages incomplete.
                        • Schedulable: Schedulable.
                        • Active: Active.
                        • Aborting: Aborting.
                        • Aborted: Aborted.
                        • Succeeded: Succeeded.
                        • Failed: Failed.
                        • SucceededWithWarnings: Succeeded with warnings.

                        TimeSpan SCALAR

                        Time interval.

                          TypeEnum ENUM

                          The annotation color.

                          • EXTRA:
                          • ANNOTATION:
                          • BINDER:
                          • BOOLEAN:
                          • CONTENT:
                          • CORE:
                          • CORRESPONDENCE:
                          • CHRONOLOGY:
                          • DATE_TIME:
                          • DUPS_AND_NEAR_DUPS:
                          • HITS:
                          • ISSUE:
                          • LEVEL:
                          • LINK:
                          • PRODUCTION:
                          • MEMO:
                          • NOTE:
                          • NUMBER:
                          • PICK_LIST:
                          • PROCESSING_STATUS:
                          • PRODUCED_VALUE:
                          • RESULTS_HISTORY:
                          • REVIEW_WORKFLOW:
                          • SEARCH_TERM_FAMILY:
                          • TEXT:
                          • WORKFLOW:
                          • PHASE:
                          • LOT:
                          • ASSIGNMENT:
                          • HIGHLIGHT:
                          • REDACTION:
                          • PUBLIC_BINDER:
                          • PRIVATE_BINDER:
                          • UNLOCKED_PRODUCTION:
                          • LOCKED_PRODUCTION:
                          • ALL_TEXT:
                          • SECURITY_OVERRIDE:
                          • PUBLIC_REFERENCE_BINDER:
                          • PRIVATE_REFERENCE_BINDER:
                          • TRANSCRIPT_TYPE:
                          • TRANSCRIPT_ISSUE:
                          • REPORT_TEMPLATE:
                          • TEMPLATE:
                          • BOOKMARK:
                          • MINES:
                          • SAVED_SEARCHES:
                          • PEOPLE:
                          • ORGANIZATIONS:
                          • NOTE_CATEGORIES:
                          • NOTE_CONTENT:
                          • CUBES:
                          • PRODUCTION_VALUES:
                          • PAGE:
                          • GENERAL_SEARCH:
                          • POPULATION:
                          • SAMPLE:
                          • TRAINING_SETS:
                          • MOBILE_BINDER:
                          • CONDITIONAL_TEMPLATES:
                          • CONCEPT:
                          • RESULT_TEMPLATES:
                          • TRANSLATION:
                          • HIERARCHY:
                          • IDENTITY:
                          • AllText: Text in a document.
                          • Annotation: Annotations in a document.
                          • Assignment: The assignments in a case.
                          • Binder: The binders in a case.
                          • Bookmark: Bookmarked links to specific websites.
                          • Boolean: The boolean value of True or False.
                          • Chronology: The chronological order of data.
                          • Concept: The active or stopped concepts in a case.
                          • ConditionalTemplates: The conditional coding templates in a case.
                          • Content: The case content.
                          • Core: The core data field containing the last modified date.
                          • Correspondence: The correspondence types such as From, CC or BC.
                          • Cubes: Cubes are based on static data that determines the level of detail available for review.
                          • DateTime: The DateTime field indicates when a case or document was reviewed, processed, annotated, or any other tyoe of production work performed.
                          • DupsAndNearDups: Identifies the duplicate documents in a case.
                          • Extra: Identifies the custom fields or pick lists to extend document categorization.
                          • GeneralSearch: The search term or criteria for a search.
                          • Highlight: Indicates an annotation, a search result, a converted text, or any other such operation performed in a document.
                          • Hits: Indicates the results of a search.
                          • Issue: Issues are a way to organize documents by association to facts, events, topics or subjects.
                          • Level: Levels provide a way of grouping or organizing documents.
                          • Link: Links are used for connecting objects that have a similar relationship.
                          • LockedProduction: Locking the production creates the production rendition records.
                          • Lot: The lot description where the assignment belongs.
                          • Memo: The memo field is used for quick searches and can contain long alphanumeric values.
                          • Mines: Mines are used to facilitate the review process when reivewing large batches of documents.
                          • MobileBinder: Mobile binders are binders that users can download to an Apple iPad for mobile reviews.
                          • Note: Notes are useful for adding a quick reminder notation in a docuemnt review.
                          • NoteCategories: Note categories provide a way for users to organize their notes for easy searches.
                          • NoteContent: The note content is the information added to a document note.
                          • Number: Number. An indicator for identifying a document, case, or other issue or entity.
                          • Organizations: Organizations enables administrators to to manage multiple entities within a portal.
                          • Page: The production pages or document pages in a case.
                          • People: The relevant people within an organization.
                          • Phase: Phases are a way for administrators or group leaders to manage review workflows.
                          • PickList: Pick lists are customized lists containing a list of predefined items.
                          • Population: Populations allows you to create a subset or a sample of a group of documents.
                          • PrivateBinder: Private binders are binders that are only viewed by the binder owners.
                          • PrivateReferenceBinder: Private binders are binders that are only viewed by the binder owners.
                          • ProcessingStatus: The processing status is the status of processing jobs.
                          • ProducedValue: Produced value indicates the number of documents in a production.
                          • Production: A production is the rendition of the documents.
                          • ProductionValues: Production values indicate the documents in a production.
                          • PublicBinder: Public binders are binders that can be viewed by anyone who has access to the case.
                          • PublicReferenceBinder: Public binders are binders that can be viewed by anyone who has access to the case.
                          • Redaction: A redaction is an opaque mask concealing a portion of text, an image, or any information to be concealed.
                          • ReportTemplate: A report template is a design guideline for output.
                          • ResultsHistory: Results history is the coding history of a review.
                          • ResultTemplates: The case template results.
                          • ReviewWorkflow: Review workflow is the way an administrator or group leaders manage a review process.
                          • Sample: A sample is a representative subset of documents.
                          • SavedSearches: Saved searches is a historical list of previous searches performed.
                          • SearchTermFamily: A search term family is a group of search terms.
                          • SecurityOverride: Security override is a binder with security settings that override the security that is set on the documents.
                          • Template: A template is a structured guideline or format for cloning and reporting.
                          • Text: The document text.
                          • TrainingSets: A training set, in predictive coding, is a set of documents used to train a predictive model.
                          • TranscriptIssue: A transcipt issue is an issue with a written record of testimony in a court.
                          • TranscriptType: The transcript type indicates the type of written record of testimony in a court.
                          • UnlockedProduction: An unlocked production is one that has not been finalized or locked.
                          • Workflow: A workflow is a collection of phases that facilitates the review by routing assignments to reviewers on teams.

                          UpdateCaseStatisticResult OBJECT

                          The results summary of a case statistic update performed by an updateCaseStatistic mutation.

                          • caseId: Int!
                            Case ID. Identifies the case in the portal.
                          • id: Int!
                            Case statistic ID. Identifies the case statistic in the portal and case.
                          • value: Int!
                            New total value of the statistic after mutation.

                          User OBJECT

                          Information about a user.

                          • activeCase: String
                            User's current active case.
                          • cases: [Case] (
                            • active: Boolean Filter to active or inactive cases.
                            • assignedToMe: Boolean Filter to cases that the user making the request is assigned to. The filter is required when you query data that is stored in the case database. The filter is optional when you query data that is stored in the portal database.
                            • billingStatus: CaseBillingStatusEnum Filter to cases with the specified billing status.
                            • decommissionStatus: CaseDecommissionStatusEnumType Filter to cases with the specified decommission status.
                            • id: Int Filter to the case with the specified ID.
                            • ids: [Int] Filter to the cases with any of the specified IDs.
                            • name: String Filter to cases with the specified name.
                            • organizationId: [Int] Filter to organizations with the specified ID.
                            • organizationName: String Filter to organizations with the specified name.
                            • providerOrganizationId: [Int] Filter to cases that belong to organizations with the specified provider organization ID.
                            • scroll: PageParams Parameters for paging results.
                            • sort: [CaseSort] Sort by the specified fields.
                            Identifies the type of case.
                          • caseUserCategory: CaseUserCategoryEnumType
                            The category of the user.
                          • companyId: Int
                            Unique identifier for the user's company.
                          • companyName: String
                            User's company name.
                          • deleted: Boolean
                            True for users who are deleted, otherwise false.
                          • disabled: Boolean!
                            True for users who are disabled, otherwise false.
                          • email: String
                            Email address for the user.
                          • ethicalWallAdmin: Boolean!
                            True for users who are enabled to manage restricted user assignment, otherwise false.
                          • firstName: String
                            First name of the user.
                          • forceReset: Boolean!
                            True for users who must change their password on next login, otherwise false.
                            This API is deprecated in version 10.2.000. Use the replacement API requirePasswordChange.
                          • fullName: String
                            Full name of the user.
                          • hasSessions: Boolean!
                            True for users with an active session, otherwise false.
                          • id: Int!
                            User ID. Identifies the user in the portal.
                          • identityProvider: String
                            Identity provider used to authenticate the user.
                          • isAssigned: Boolean!
                            True for users who are currently assigned to the case, otherwise false. Always false if not used in a case context.
                          • lastLogin: DateTime
                            Last login date for the user.
                          • lastName: String
                            Last name of the user.
                          • licenses: Int!
                            Number of licenses for the user.
                          • noGroup: Boolean!
                            True for users who are not members of any groups in the case, otherwise false. Always false if not used in a case context.
                          • organizations: [Organization]
                            Organizations to which the user is assigned.
                          • portalCategory: PortalCategoryEnumType
                            Portal user role for the user.
                          • requirePasswordChange: Boolean!
                            True for users who must change their password on next login, otherwise false.
                          • userName: String
                            User name for the user.

                          UserAddResult OBJECT

                          Status of creating a user.

                          • users: [User]
                            Portal users search results.

                          UserCaseAssignInputType INPUT_OBJECT

                          Input fields to assign users to cases.

                          • userId: [Int]!
                            User ID. Identifies the user in the portal.
                          • caseId: Int!
                            Case ID. Identifies the case in the portal.
                          • caseUserCategory: CaseUserCategoryEnumType!
                            Case User Category. Identifies the user category in the case.
                          • caseGroupId: Int
                            User Group ID. Identifies the user group in the case.

                          UserCaseAssignResult OBJECT

                          Results from assigning users to cases.

                          • errorCount: Int
                            Number of resulting errors from user case assignments.
                          • notChangedCount: Int
                            Number of user case assignments that were unchanged.
                          • successCount: Int
                            The number of user assignments that were successfully saved.
                          • totalCount: Int
                            Number of attempted user case assignments.

                          userCaseUnassignInput INPUT_OBJECT

                          Input fields to unassign users from cases.

                          • userId: [Int]!
                            User IDs. Identifies users in the portal.
                          • caseId: Int!
                            Case ID. Identifies the case in the portal.

                          UserCaseUnassignResult OBJECT

                          Results from unassigning users from cases.

                          • errorCount: Int
                            The number of unsuccessful attempts to unassign users from cases.
                          • notChangedCount: Int
                            The number of users whose case assignments were unchanged.
                          • successCount: Int
                            The number of users successfully unassigned from cases.
                          • totalCount: Int
                            The total number of attempted case user assignments.

                          userDeleteInput INPUT_OBJECT

                          Parameters for deleting portal users.

                          • userId: [Int]!
                            Portal user to delete.

                          UserDeleteResultType OBJECT

                          Results from deleting users.

                          • users: [User]
                            Portal users search results.

                          UserGroupAssignInputType INPUT_OBJECT

                          Input fields to assign users to a case group.

                          • userId: [Int]!
                            User ID. Identifies the user in the portal.
                          • caseId: Int!
                            Case ID. Identifies the case in the portal.
                          • groupId: Int!
                            User Group ID. Identifies the user group in the case.

                          UserGroupAssignResult OBJECT

                          Results from assigning users to a case group.

                          • errorCount: Int
                            Number of resulting errors from user case group assignments.
                          • notChangedCount: Int
                            Number of user case group assignments that were unchanged.
                          • successCount: Int
                            The number of user case group assignments that were successfully saved.
                          • totalCount: Int
                            Number of attempted user case group assignments.

                          UserReport OBJECT

                          Aggregate user metrics for the case.

                          • assigned: Int!
                            Number of users assigned to the case.
                          • disabled: Int!
                            Number of users in the case who cannot log in because their accounts are disabled.
                          • licensed: Int!
                            Number of licensed users in the case.
                          • noGroup: Int!
                            Number of users in the case who are not members of any groups in the case.
                          • total: Int!
                            Total number of users in the case.
                          • unassigned: Int!
                            Number of users who were previously assigned to the case, but are currently unassigned.
                          • unlicensed: Int!
                            Number of unlicensed users in the case.

                          UserUpdateInput INPUT_OBJECT

                          Parameters for updating portal users.

                          • userId: Int!
                            User ID. Identifies the Portal user.
                          • firstName: String
                            First name of the Portal user.
                          • lastName: String
                            Last name of the Portal user.
                          • email: String
                            Email address of the Portal user.
                          • companyId: Int
                            Company ID. Identifies the company of the cloned case.
                          • identityProviderId: Int
                            Identity Provider ID. Identifies the provider of the Portal user.
                          • portalCategory: PortalCategoryEnumType
                            The category assigned to the Portal user.
                          • disabled: Boolean
                            Indicates if the Portal user account is disabled.
                          • requirePasswordChange: Boolean
                            Force reset setting for the Portal user account.
                          • licenses: Int
                            Licenses associated with the Portal user.
                          • password: String
                            Portal users password.
                          • forceResetChallengeQuestions: Boolean
                            A challange question when force restting a Portal user account.
                          • addToActiveDirectory: Boolean
                            Indicates if Portal user is added to active directory.

                          UserUpdateResultType OBJECT

                          Results from updating users.

                          • users: [User]
                            Portal users search results.

                          WhoIsActive OBJECT

                          List of database activity.

                          • blockingSessionId: Int
                            When applicable, shows the blocking SPID.
                          • collectionTime: DateTime
                            Time that this script's final SELECT ran.
                          • cpu: String
                            For an active request, total CPU time consumed by the current query. For a sleeping session, total CPU time consumed over the lifetime of the session.
                          • databaseName: String
                            Shows the connected database.
                          • duration: String
                            For an active request, time the query has been running. For a sleeping session, time since the last batch completed.
                          • hostName: String
                            Shows the host name for the connection.
                          • loginName: String
                            Shows the login name for the connection.
                          • loginTime: DateTime
                            Shows the time that the session connected.
                          • openTranCount: String
                            Shows the number of open transactions the session has open.
                          • percentComplete: String
                            When applicable, shows the percent complete (e.g. for backups, restores, and some rollbacks).
                          • physicalReads: String
                            For an active request, number of physical reads done for the current query. For a sleeping session, total number of physical reads done over the lifetime of the session.
                          • programName: String
                            Shows the reported program/application name.
                          • queryPlan: String
                            Shows the query plan for the request, if available. If the plan is locked, a special timeout message will be sent, in the following format: . If an error occurs, an error message will be sent, in the following format: .
                          • reads: String
                            For an active request, number of reads done for the current query. For a sleeping session, total number of reads done over the lifetime of the session.
                          • requestId: Int
                            For active requests, shows the request_id. Should be 0 unless MARS is being used.
                          • sessionId: Int
                            Session ID (a.k.a. SPID).
                          • sqlCommand: String
                            Shows the "outer" SQL command, i.e. the text of the batch or RPC sent to the server, if available.
                          • sqlText: String
                            Shows the SQL text for active requests or the last statement executed for sleeping sessions, if available in either case.
                          • startTime: DateTime
                            For active requests, shows the time the request started. For sleeping sessions, shows the time the last batch completed.
                          • status: String
                            Activity status for the session (running, sleeping, etc).
                          • tempdbAllocations: String
                            For an active request, number of TempDB writes done for the current query. For a sleeping session, total number of TempDB writes done over the lifetime of the session.
                          • tempdbCurrent: String
                            For an active request, number of TempDB pages currently allocated for the query. For a sleeping session, number of TempDB pages currently allocated for the session.
                          • usedMemory: String
                            For an active request, total memory consumption for the current query. For a sleeping session, total current memory consumption.
                          • waitInfo: String
                            Aggregated wait information.
                          • writes: String
                            For an active request, number of writes done for the current query. For a sleeping session, total number of writes done over the lifetime of the session.

                          Worker OBJECT

                          Realtime Processing Framework (RPF) worker.

                          • assemblyName: String!
                            Assembly name for the worker.
                          • className: String!
                            Class name for the worker.
                          • id: Int!
                            Worker ID. Identifies the worker in the Realtime Processing Framework (RPF).
                          • name: String!
                            Name of the worker.
                          • version: String!
                            Version of the worker.

                          Workflow OBJECT

                          List of workflows in the case.

                          • description: String!
                            The description of the workflow in the case.
                          • id: Int!
                            ID. Identifies the workflow in the case.
                          • name: String!
                            Name of the workflow in the case.
                          • phases: [Phase] (
                            • id: [Int] Filter to phases with the given phase IDs.
                            The workflow phases in the case.