Installing on Docker

Get started quickly by deploying Nuix RESTful Service on Docker

Follow the procedures in this section to install and deploy the Nuix RESTful Service Docker image within a Ubuntu Linux environment using Compose.

The Nuix RESTful Service Docker image is intended for development purposes only. Usage of this installation in a production environment is not supported.


Before proceeding, the following prerequisites must be installed within your environment:

  • Docker Engine: An open-source containerization technology.
    • Visit Get Docker Engine - Community for Ubuntu for complete instructions on installing the Docker Engine on Ubuntu.
  • Docker Compose: A tool used to define and run multi-container Docker applications.
    • Visit Install Docker Compose for complete instructions on installing Docker Compose.

Preparing the Target Directory

Use the following procedure to download and extract the Nuix RESTful Service Linux archive.

  1. Download the Docker Image for Linux 64-bit package from the Nuix Customer Portal.
  2. Open a terminal and enter the following command to create a target directory for the package:
    sudo mkdir -p /opt/nuix/rest
  3. Extract the contents of the rest-docker-compose archive to the target directory:
    sudo tar xzf rest-docker-compose-VERSION.tar.gz -C /opt/nuix/rest
  4. Navigate to the target directory to view the extracted contents of the package:
    cd /opt/nuix/rest

The rest directory contains the directory structure described in the following table:

    |-- bin                                       # Binaries and support scripts
        |--                              # Script to remove user data and restore directories
        |--                          # Script to configure the Nuix License Server settings
        |--                     # Script to create a service
        |--                            # Script to install the Nuix RESTful Service
    |-- cases                                     # Default Inventory Location for cases on the host
    |-- docs                                      # Documentation
    |-- exports                                   # Default Nuix exports directory on the host
    |-- images                                    # Distributed Docker images
    |-- logs                                      # Default Nuix logs directory on the host
    |-- raw-data                                  # Default Nuix raw-data directory on the host
    |-- scripts                                   # Default Nuix scripts directory on the host
    |-- secrets                                   # Sensitive properties used by the Nuix Rest SDK
        |--           # Sensitive Nuix License Server properties
    |-- tmp                                       # Default Nuix tmp directory on the host
    |-- user-data-extra                           # Default Nuix user-data-extra folder on the host
    |-- .env                                      # Docker compose environment configuration.
    |-- rest.env                                  # Nuix RESTful Service environment configuration
    |-- docker-compose.yml                        # Docker compose file

Installing the Docker Image

After extracting the package to the target directory, use the following procedure to complete the installation process using the provided scripts.

  1. Open a terminal and navigate to the target directory.
    cd /opt/nuix/rest
  2. Enter the following command to begin the installation.
    sudo ./bin/

    The script verifies that all prerequisites are in place before loading the included Nuix RESTful service Docker images and calling all other scripts that are required for the installation.

  3. When prompted, specify the Nuix License Server that will be used for licensing.
    1. Enter a URL where the license server can be accessed.
    2. Provide user credentials for an account associated within the specified license server.

After installation completes, proceed to the remaining sections in this guide for information on:

Post-Installation Configuration

After completing the installation of Nuix RESTful Service, the following configurations can be made to the installation.

Configuring Environment Settings

Nuix RESTful Service includes several configurations that can be modified to change the how the application operates.

Use the following procedure to access the available environment configurations:

  1. Open a terminal and navigate to the target directory.
    cd /opt/nuix/rest
  2. Using the editor of your choice, open the following configuration file.
  3. Review the properties included within the file and make changes as necessary.

The following table provides details about the properties that are configurable.

Option Description
JAVA_OPTS_HEAP Optimize the Java heap size ranges used by Nuix RESTful service.
* -Xms512m Default minimum memory allocation
* -Xmx6g Default maximum memory allocation
publicURL The URL used to access Nuix RESTful Service.
logging_level Specify the logging level to be used with REST.
logging_level_com_nuix_us Specify the logging level to be used for workers.
casePrivilegeSecurityEnabled Enable or disable the ability to restrict cases from view using case security.
threadpool_nativesearch The number of threads available for retrieving item metadata when searches are performed.
threadpool_asyncfunction The number of threads available to perform background tasks such as tagging, exclusions, or highlighting.
threadpool_searchUnsortedManager The number of threads available for retrieving item counts for the provided analytics.
threadpool_searchUnsorted The number of threads available to run queries and aggregate the data required to populate the provided analytics.
serverId A unique identifiable name for the REST instance.
xpack_security_transport_ssl_enabled Enable or disable TLS/SSL.
ignoreDerbyCases Restrict REST from processing Derby-based cases.
nuix_engine_userDataDirs Specify the locations where artifacts used by the Nuix Engine are stored.
inventoryLocations Specify the location where cases are stored.
Mapped network drives can be configured within Linux environments if a symbolic link has been created between the mapped and local drive.
sandboxDirectory Specify a location where unprocessed evidence is stored.
server_contextPath Specify a context path prefix to use within the Nuix RESTful Service URL.
workerAgentStatusHistoryUpdateIntervalMs Specify the frequency (in milliseconds) in which worker agent status is retrieved.
workerAgentStatusHistoryMaxValues Specify the maximum number of times that worker agent status can be retrieved.
registerAsApplication Specify how Nuix RESTful Service should be run.
maxSimultaneousWorkers Specify the total number of workers that can be distributed by this REST instance at any given time.
workerAgentTempPath Specify the path to a directory, such as /tmp, that can be used by worker agents for temporary storage. The specified location should be on performant local storage with ample space for best results.
nuix_logdir Specify the directory where logs generated by Nuix RESTful Service are stored.
nuix_engine_path Specify the directory where the Nuix Engine is installed.
logging_file Specify the path and file name to use for the log file.
logging_config Specify the path and file name of the logging configuration file.
  1. When finished, save and exit the file, then restart Nuix RESTful Service for the changes to take effect.

Updating Nuix License Server Settings

If required, the configured Nuix License Server can be updated after the initial installation using a provided script.

Use the following procedure to update the Nuix License Server connection details:

  1. Open a terminal and navigate to the target directory.
    cd /opt/nuix/rest
  2. Enter the following command to run the script and update the connection details.
    sudo ./bin/
  3. When prompted, specify the Nuix License Server to be used for licensing.
    1. Enter a URL where the license server can be accessed.
    2. Provide user credentials for an account associated within the specified license server.

The updated settings are saved to the ./secrets/ file as well as the ./rest.env file.

Once complete, restart Nuix RESTful Service for the changes to take effect.

Removing Existing Data

Nuix RESTful Service provides a script that allows all case, evidence, and user data to be removed without impacting the installation. This script can be used to return the Docker image back to a default state when testing different scenarios.

To remove existing data from the installation:

  1. Open a terminal and navigate to the target directory.
    cd /opt/nuix/rest
  2. Enter the following command to run the script.
    sudo ./bin/

Running Nuix RESTful Service

Once the Docker image has been properly deployed and configured on your system, Docker Compose can be used to quickly start Nuix RESTful Service.

To start the service in the foreground:

  1. Navigate to the target directory where Nuix RESTful Service is installed:
    cd /opt/nuix/rest
  2. Start the service using the following command:
    sudo docker-compose up
  3. To stop the service, press Ctrl-C within the terminal.

To start the service in the background:

  1. Navigate to the target directory where Nuix RESTful Service is installed:
    cd /opt/nuix/rest
  2. Start the service using the following command:
    sudo docker-compose up -d
  3. To stop the service, enter the following command:
    sudo docker-compose stop

Starting as a Service

The installation script provided with Nuix RESTful Service creates all required Docker entries to allow the image to be run as a service. By default, the services are not started or configured to start on boot, however, these configurations can be changed using the following commands.

  • Start as a service:
    sudo systemctl start docker-compose@nuix-rest-sdk
  • Stop the service from running:
    sudo systemctl stop docker-compose@nuix-rest-sdk
  • Configure Nuix RESTful Service to run at startup:
    sudo systemctl enable docker-compose@nuix-rest-sdk

Verifying the Installation

Once your installation is complete, verify your deployment using one of the following methods.

  • From a web browser, access the following URL:
  • From the terminal, enter the following cURL:
    curl http://localhost:8080/nuix-restful-service/svc/v2/about

If the installation was successful, the response body for either method will return with information about the RESTful service.

 "server" : "http://localhost:8080/nuix-restful-service/svc",
 "serverId" : "rest-server",
 "startupTime" : null,
 "nuixRestfulVersion" : null,
 "engineVersion" : null