System Requirements

Understand the system requirements before you begin installation

Before you begin using Nuix RESTful Service, it is important to fulfill several requirements. In this topic and others, you will find detailed instructions for completing the prerequisites for installing and configuring Nuix RESTful Service.

Hardware Requirements

The following table includes recommended hardware configurations for the Nuix RESTful Service.

Size System Requirements Tomcat & JVM memory Workers OS Memory
Small Laptop with 16 GB RAM, Dual Core processor SSD 6 GB 2, each with 3 GB memory 4 GB
Medium Workstation with 32 GB RAM, Quad Core processor, 15 K RPM or SSD drives 8 GB 4, each with 5 GB memory 4 GB
Large Server with 96-256 GB RAM, Quad core processor, 15 K RPM or SSD drives 20-60 GB 8, each with 8-16 GB memory 4 GB

Storage Configuration

Temporary Directories

The following settings are recommended for the temp directory assuming that the temp disk was mounted to /opt/nuix/tmp/

  • /opt/nuix/tmp/
  • /opt/nuix/tmp/java_io/
  • /opt/nuix/tmp/shared/
  • /opt/nuix/tmp/bulk/
  • /opt/nuix/tmp/worker/

These temporary directories should be configured with the following JVM settings:

  • -Djava.tio.tmpdir=/opt/nuix/tmp/java_io/
  • -Dnuix.processing.sharedTempDirectory=/opt/nuix/tmp/shared/
  • -Dnuix.investigator.bulkProcessingTime=/opt/nuix/tmp/bulk/
  • -Dnuix.worker.tmpdir=/opt/nuix/tmp/worker/

Shared Directories

The following settings are recommended for the shared disk assuming that the disk was mounted to /opt/nuix/shared/.

  • /opt/nuix/shared/
  • /opt/nuix/shared/nuix-cases/
  • /opt/nuix/shared/nuix-exports/
  • /opt/nuix/shared/raw-data/
  • /opt/nuix/shared/thumbnails/
  • /opt/nuix/shared/user-scripts/
  • /opt/nuix/shared/user-data/

Update the following properties in the file.

Property Example Value
inventoryLocations /opt/nuix/shared/nuix-cases/
nuix.engine.userDataDirs /opt/nuix-restful-service/engine/user-data,/opt/nuix/share
exportsFolder /opt/nuix-shared/nuix-exports/
searchThumbnailsExportDirectory /opt/nuix/shared/thumbnails
userScriptsLocation /opt/nuix/shared/user-scripts

Software Requirements

This section includes information on both required and optional software.

Operating System Support

Nuix RESTful Service supports the latest versions of each of the following operating systems.

Operating System Supported Version(s)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)
  • 8.5
  • 8.3
Debian     9
  • 18.04 LTS
  • 16.04 LTS
Microsoft Windows 64-bit
  • Windows Server 2019
  • Windows Server 2016 R2

Authentication Prerequisites

You must configure your license management option before installing the RESTful Service.

To configure the Nuix Management Server (NMS)

  1. Install Nuix Management Server (NMS) version 9.10.35 or later.
  2. Ensure that the Authentication mode is set to Basic built-in form authentication.
  3. Ensure that the NMS instance is broadcasting on the same address from which clients, including Nuix RESTful Service, will access it.
  4. Create an admin user in NMS for basic authentication.
  5. Ensure that licenses are enabled for users and groups that request licenses through Nuix RESTful services.