Encyrypted Notes Validation
3 minute read
Now that we have successfully ingested an encrypted .nsf file must now verify that the data has been decrypted. To validate the ingestion, you can examine the returned results of two endpoints.
In this example, the GET /v2/cases/{caseId}/search?query=*&metadataProfile=Default&numberOfRecordsRequested=100
endpoint is used.
curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8080/nuix-restful-service/svc/v2/cases/46cead178c1b42b58f2ac811c03e9a62/search?query=*&metadataProfile=Default&numberOfRecordsRequested=100' \
--header 'nuix-auth-token: YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN'
"request": {
"caseId": "46cead178c1b42b58f2ac811c03e9a62",
"query": "*",
"sortField": null,
"sortOrder": null,
"startIndex": 0,
"numberOfRecordsRequested": 10,
"deduplicate": null,
"metadataProfile": "Default",
"fieldList": null,
"customMetadataList": null,
"propertyList": null,
"itemParameterizedFields": null,
"showAvailableThumbnails": false,
"useCache": false,
"forceCacheDelete": false,
"searchRetry": 0,
"relationType": null,
"entities": [],
"restClusterSettings": null,
"property": null,
"field": null,
"customMetadataField": null,
"p": 10,
"s": 0
"startedOn": 1662660073137,
"completedOn": 1662660074293,
"elapsedTimeForSearch": 188,
"elapsedTimeForSort": 0,
"elapsedTimeForMarshal": 594,
"elapsedTimeForDeduplicate": 0,
"elapsedTotal": 1156,
"metadataItems": [
"File Type",
"Path Name"
"localizedMetadataItems": [
"File Type",
"Path Name"
"metadataItemDetails": [
"name": "Name",
"localisedName": "Name",
"type": "String"
"name": "File Type",
"localisedName": "File Type",
"type": "String"
"name": "Path Name",
"localisedName": "Path Name",
"type": "String"
"resultList": [
"File Type": "Lotus Notes Database",
"Name": "user.nsf",
"Path Name": "/c617b2d2-d80b-46a3-9360-549ca5884d90",
"guid": "726bf93c-90f8-4ca0-b57d-e348bf168783"
"File Type": "Nuix Evidence File",
"Name": "c617b2d2-d80b-46a3-9360-549ca5884d90",
"Path Name": "/",
"guid": "4cbb6da2-ceeb-46bd-b968-48416e91b810"
"File Type": "Lotus Domino XML Mail",
"Name": "Test Message",
"Path Name": "/c617b2d2-d80b-46a3-9360-549ca5884d90/user.nsf/($Sent)",
"guid": "65b84817-24f6-499a-86d6-fcadaf015085"
"File Type": "Lotus Domino XML Mail",
"Name": "Encrypted Message",
"Path Name": "/c617b2d2-d80b-46a3-9360-549ca5884d90/user.nsf/($Inbox)",
"guid": "02032485-a1c9-475b-8665-137cf5b26c51"
"File Type": "Lotus Domino XML Mail",
"Name": "Encrypted Message Testing",
"Path Name": "/c617b2d2-d80b-46a3-9360-549ca5884d90/user.nsf/($Inbox)",
"guid": "6c8b9048-26c2-4881-a15a-ff7ebef35b9c"
"File Type": "Lotus Notes View",
"Name": "($All)",
"Path Name": "/c617b2d2-d80b-46a3-9360-549ca5884d90/user.nsf",
"guid": "f10293fd-0aaf-4fe7-801f-a7c152768695"
"File Type": "Portable Document Format",
"Name": "CABINET - Msg#_ 16.pdf",
"Path Name": "/c617b2d2-d80b-46a3-9360-549ca5884d90/user.nsf/($Inbox)/Encrypted Message",
"guid": "e47d3cec-eb87-482c-b885-2909c07e970f"
"File Type": "Lotus Notes View",
"Name": "($Sent)",
"Path Name": "/c617b2d2-d80b-46a3-9360-549ca5884d90/user.nsf",
"guid": "9354e1f1-0fe9-4682-b6fb-7278d188f2c7"
"File Type": "Lotus Notes Bitmap Image",
"Name": "[Unnamed Image]",
"Path Name": "/c617b2d2-d80b-46a3-9360-549ca5884d90/user.nsf/($Inbox)/Encrypted Message",
"guid": "84d163f8-6980-4ddc-8148-ee1771637e75"
"File Type": "Lotus Notes View",
"Name": "($Inbox)",
"Path Name": "/c617b2d2-d80b-46a3-9360-549ca5884d90/user.nsf",
"guid": "300aa8ef-409b-44e5-99d4-7507f29cb617"
"count": 10,
"deduplicatedCount": 10
In the example above, you should note that one of the entries is a PDF file. Had the decryption failed, this file would not be visible in the search results.
"File Type": "Portable Document Format",
"Name": "CABINET - Msg#_ 16.pdf",
"Path Name": "/c617b2d2-d80b-46a3-9360-549ca5884d90/user.nsf/($Inbox)/Encrypted Message",
"guid": "e47d3cec-eb87-482c-b885-2909c07e970f"
In this next example, you will view the results of the GET /cases/{caseId}/items/{itemId}/itemText?limitInMb=-1
endpoint. From the response, you can examine items in the search results and get their respective item texts.
Had the decryption of an item failed, the item text would not be visible. Using the GET /cases/{caseId}/items/{itemId}/itemText?limitInMb=-1
endpoint, you can retrieve the item text for
item ID 6c8b9048-26c2-4881-a15a-ff7ebef35b9c which has the Name
field “Encrypted Message Testing”. The response for the item text is below.
curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8080/nuix-restful-service/svc/v1/cases/46cead178c1b42b58f2ac811c03e9a62/items/6c8b9048-26c2-4881-a15a-ff7ebef35b9c/itemText?limitInMb=-1' \
--header 'nuix-auth-token: YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN'
"text": "This is an encrypted body - so, you should not be able to see me.\r\n\r\n\r\n",
"binaryAvailable": true,
"htmlEscape": false,
"totalTextLength": 71,
"blank": false
You have validated that your encrypted HCL Notes data was successfully ingested into your case.
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