Version 9.6.6 Release Notes

Nuix RESTful Service, Version 9.6.6, released in February 2022.

Nuix Engine

Nuix RESTful Service has been updated to use version 9.6.6 of the Nuix Engine. Details about what is included with this update can be found in the v9.6.6 changelog.


The nuix.graph.disable system property has been set to true in the installers for all operating systems. This disables OrientDB in the installer.

The way worker-based tasks are executed has been updated to allow for the execution of only one worker-based task per case simultaneously.

Resolved issues

OCR language support

Parameters for the /cases/{caseID}/items/ocr endpoint are no longer case sensitive.

The Galician language is now supported for the /cases/{caseID}/items/ocr endpoint.

Worker-based tasks

The workers.Max property has been updated to correctly refer to the number of engine workers. Previously, the property incorrectly referred to the number of worker-based tasks, which allowed too many worker-based tasks to run on a single node simultaneously.

Error handling

Consumer nodes have been updated to skip certain tasks until a node is completely available. This prevents consumer nodes from throwing NPE errors after simultaneous ingestions.

GUIDs handled correctly

Several endpoints have been updated to resolve an issue preventing them from accepting GUIDs as identifiers in the path and returning GUIDs in responses. The following endpoints have been fixed:

  • GET/cases​/{caseId}​/reviewJobs​/{reviewJobName}
  • DELETE /cases​/{caseId}/reviewJobs​/{reviewJobName}
  • GET /cases​/{caseId}​/reviewJobs​/{reviewJobName}/items
  • POST /cases​/ {caseId}​/reviewJobs​/{reviewJobName}​/items
  • GET /cases​/{caseId}​/reviewJobs​/{reviewJobName}/tags
  • GET /cases​/{caseId}​/reviewJobs​/{reviewJobName}/reviewers
  • GET /productionProfiles
  • GET /productionProfiles​/{name}
  • GET /ocrProfiles
  • GET /ocrProfiles​/{name}
  • GET /ocrProfiles​/{name}​/details