Application Settings
Learn about the configurable application level settings that are available for Nuix RESTful Service.
4 minute read
Application properties
Configurable properties for the Nuix RESTful Service application are located within the file. To access this file, navigate to the settings directory within the Nuix RESTful Service installation directory.
- Windows default:
C:\Program Files\Nuix\Nuix RESTful Service\settings
- Linux default:
After modifying the file, restart Nuix RESTful Service for the changes to take effect.
Setting | Description | Example |
autoMigrateCases | When set to true , cases will be automatically migrated to the current installed version of the Nuix Engine when opened. |
false |
asyncFunctionResultRetention | The length of time in milliseconds to retain the results of asynchronous functions. | 300000 |
configurationFolder | The location where REST application configuration files are stored. | /settings |
cors.allow.origin | A comma-separated list of permitted cross origin hosts. A value of * allows all domains. |
* |
closeCasesIfIdleInMinutes | The length of time a case can remain idle before being automatically closed. If set to 0 , idle cases will never close automatically. |
10 |
function.queue.pause.timeout | The length of time in minutes that the asynchronous function queue will pause when paused. | 5 |
ignoreDerbyCases | Disallows the creation of Derby cases. | false |
inventoryLocations | A comma-separated list of directory paths where cases are stored. | /cases |
inventoryRefresh | The length of time in milliseconds to wait before checking the case inventory for updates. | 60000 |
exportsFolder | The location where exports are saved. | /exports |
logging.config | The location of the Logback configuration file. | settings/logback.xml |
logging.json.enabled | Set to true to enable the generation of REST logs in JSON format. This format is easier to process in applications like Filebeat. |
false | | The name of the file where logs are output. | nuix-rest.log |
maxItemTextLength | The maximum number of characters to return for each item. If no value is set, all item text is returned. | |
nuix.engine.path | The location where the Nuix Engine is installed. | /nuix-engine |
nuix.engine.userDataDirs | A comma-separated list of paths to the Nuix Engine user-data directories. | user-data,shared-user-data |
nuix.logdir | The location where Nuix worker logs are stored. | /logs |
nuix.registry.servers | The URL of a Nuix Management Server (NMS) or Nuix Cloud License Server (CLS). | (CLS) |
nuix.license.source | The method being used for license acquisition. See Licensing Configuration for additional information on configuring different license sources. | server = NMScloud-server = CLS |
nuix.license.server.username | The username of an NMS or CLS account, determined by nuix.license.source , that will be used to perform license checks. |
nuix.license.server.password | The plaintext password of the licensing user. Use this property when changing the password of your licensing user. Note: After restarting the application, the password is encrypted and saved to nuix.license.server.securePassword and the plaintext value is cleared. |
nuix.license.server.securePassword | The encrypted password of the licensing user. Note: If a new password is entered for nuix.license.server.password , the value of this property will be automatically updated for the new password once the application is restarted. |
pathToResources | The location of the resources directory. The specified directory path should include the queryValidationCase, which is included during installation. | /resources |
publicURL | The domain URL of the Nuix RESTful Service application. | http://localhost:nuix-restful-service/svc:8080 |
returnNuixLicenseIfIdleInMinutes | The length of time a user can remain idle before being logged out and the license is reclaimed. Setting a value of 0 will cause sessions not to expire when idle. |
30 |
searchThumbnailsExportDirectory | The location where thumbnails are stored. | /thumbnails |
serverId | A unique identifier for the Nuix RESTful Service instance. | rest-1 | | A name for the Nuix RESTful Service instance. | worker-1 |
server.port | The port the application listens on. | 8080 |
server.servlet.context-path | The context path is the name of the URL at which the Nuix RESTful Service application is accessed. |
/nuix-restful-service/svc |
server.tomcat.basedir | The base directory where Apache Tomcat® is located. | INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY |
server.tomcat.accesslog.buffered | Whether to buffer output such that it is flushed only periodically. | false | | The location where access logs are written. | /logs |
server.tomcat.accesslog.enabled | Enable or Disable the creation of access logs. | false |
server.tomcat.accesslog.prefix | Access log prefix. | nuix_rest_access_log |
spring.http.multipart.max-file-size | The maximum upload size for multipart/form-data. | 1000MB |
spring.http.multipart.max-request-size | The maximum request size for multipart/form-data. | 1000MB |
threadpool.asyncfunction | Control the number of threads available for asynchronous functions. | 4 |
threadpool.nativesearch | Control the number of threads available to marshal search items. | 10 |
threadpool.searchUnsortedManager | Control the number of threads available for unsorted search functions. | 4 |
threadpool.searchUnsorted | Control the number of threads available to marshal unsorted search items. | 4 |
userScriptsLocation | The location where user scripts are read from for execution. | /user-scripts |
JVM arguments
The following Java Virtual Machine (JVM) settings are included in the default configuration of Nuix RESTful Service. To access these settings, locate the following file within the Nuix RESTful Service installation directory.
- Windows default:
C:\Program Files\Nuix\Nuix RESTful Service\Nuix-REST.vmoptions
- Linux default:
After modifying the file, restart Nuix RESTful Service for the changes to take effect.
Setting | Description | Default |
-Xmx | Sets the maximum Java heap size. | 6G |
-XX:+UseParallelGC | Enable parallel garbage collection. This setting is recommended for improved performance. | |
-Djna.nosys | Require Java Native Access (JNA) to only load native libraries and ignore system libraries. | true | | The temporary directory used by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to create and store temporary files. | $INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY/temp |
-Dnuix.investigator.bulkProcessingTemp | The temporary directory used for bulk processing operations (populating stores, OCR, etc). | $INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY/temp/bulk |
-Dnuix.worker.tmpdir | The default temporary directory used by workers. | $INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY/temp/worker |
-Dspring.config.location | The location where the file is stored. | $INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY/settings |
-Dnuix.worker.jvm.arguments | JVM arguments that are applied specifically to Nuix workers. | -Dlog4j.configuration= file:$INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY/nuix-engine/config/ |
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